Hello Splinterlands Summoners! In today's #SplinterlandsTacticsGuide I'll be sharing about using summoners with tactics.
What are Tactics?
Tactics are an element of the game introduced in the Rebellion set. Typically, players will just pick teams and the battle will be played automatically. Tactics introduced a new element of strategy in Splinterlands. Players will have to pick certain abilities or nerfs after seeing the opponent team. This gives players another opportunity to influence the game.
Tactics Summoners
Above is a list of Tactics Summoners. They have abilities and nerfs that can be applied after a player has seen the opponent team. A player will have a certain amount of time (under a minute) to apply apply buffs or nerfs to selected units.
Ambush Rounds
Certain units have the Ambush ability or it gets to act before a battle begins.
We can somewhat prepare for unexpected attacks by applying defensive abilities to our units such as Divine Shield or Shield. We can also influence where the opponent will attack by giving the Taunt ability to our units with Thorns ability.
Buffs and Debuffs
Tactics summoners can apply buffs and debuffs to their own units and opponent units respectively. Players can optimize this by applying the correct buffs and debuffs to certain rulesets. For example, in rulesets where only magic units are allowed, we can use Nomos and pick his -2 Magic debuff to the opponent. On the other hand, on rulesets such as Melee Mayhem, we can use Underboss Fabino and give +2 Melee attack to two of our units.
Tactics makes the game more exciting. Previously we have to predict the opponent's team and pick our team to counter them. Now we also have to predict the opponent's tactics and use one of our own. For example, if we see that the opponent uses an Underboss Fabino in a battle where only melee monsters are allowed, then we can safely assume that he will pick +2 Melee buff to give his units an edge. If we are using Prophet Rosa then we can pick the Shield buff or if we are using Cryptic then we can choose the Retailiate and Enfeeble abilities.
Sample Battle
In this battle, the ruleset was Explosive Weaponry. My opponent correctly chose Reklah and gave the Reflection Shield ability to his unit in the second position so that it will be immune to Blast.
Final Thoughts
Tactics added another dimension to the game. It gave the players another chance to strategize and influence the game after picking his teams. Players of other TCG are familiar with this concept and this is a good try by Splinterlands to give the same experience to Splinterlands players. This adds more fun to playing the game and introduces a new way to play.
Cover image from Splinterlands peakd page.
Other images are from the Splinterlands game.