Splinterlands Card Strategy - Commander Slade and Coastal Sentry

in blurt-1787181 •  2 months ago 

Hello Splinterlands Summoners! This is a follow up to my previous post on #SplinterlandsCardStrategy. I'll be showing one of the fun combos I use but only in one ruleset--Manuevers.


The Manuevers ruleset allows all units to gain Reach. This battle also has Fog of War which prevents Sneak, Snipe and Opportunity attacks and Counterspell, deterring (though not preventing) players from choosing magic units.

My Strategy

My strategy is anchored on two things: 1) Commander Slade's ability to stay longer in battle and 2) Coastal Sentry's destructive power. The team composition was picked with the intention of sustaining Commander Slade and allow Coastal Sentry to do her job as damage dealer.

My Commander Slade at level 4 is already a beefy tank on his own. He has 6 armor, 9 health and 5 speed that complements his abilities. He can Dodge while also giving Enfeeble to the enemy tank. To help sustain his armor and health, I have the Merdaali Guardian and Swamp Spitter in the back. Thankfully, the ruleset prevents sneak, snipe and opportunity attacks so only Commander Slade gets attacked.

Coastal Sentry has 8 damage potential every round. She can deal 4 melee damage and has the Double Strike ability. In this ruleset she has the Reach ability so she can do damage from the second position.

Opponent Team

My opponent employs a similar strategy although he uses Diemonshark for a tank. He also has a Coastal sentry in the second position and a Merdaali Guardian to sustain his tank.

The Battle

Although my opponent's summoner and units are higher level than mine, my team synergy is better and my tank lasted longer than his. We can say the battle depends on the survivability of the tanks. Once they're gone, the battle is lost. I won the battle without losing a unit.

link to battle

Final Thoughts

This is a fun combo that I can use only these rulesets. It has a high win rate ratio even if I face opponents with maxed level cards.

Image Credits

Cover image created by Night Cafe Studio. Other images are from the Splinterlands game.

Thank you for reading and have fun playing Splinterlands!

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