The Book of Enoch 1

in blurt-1787181 •  last month 

Why read the Book of Enoch 1 ?


First, the Students of Jesus (Yeshua) all believed in the historicity of First Enoch. In fact, the information contained therein was normative and widely accepted information. This was the case with the early church fathers as well. Only latter on did the church reject First Enoch, and that bias against it has largely continued to this day. This is because of its non-supernaturalistic view of Genesis 6:4–6.

Second, Jesus (Yeshua) and the apostles either quoted from First Enoch, or made statements that are strikingly similar to those found in this book. There are dozens of such quotations found in the Bible. Heiser documents all of this in his book, Reversing Hermon. There are numerous examples where biblical writers quote directly or indirectly from First Enoch as if it were indisputable fact. This cannot be denied.

Third, Josephus accepts the validity of First Enoch.

Fourth, First Enoch and the facts contained therein are quoted numerous times in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which were written from about 150 BC to AD 100. In fact, fragments of First Enoch have been found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. So obviously, First Enoch is older than the latest copy of it that still exists which is from the 1400s.

Fifth, the Septuagint (the Greek version of the Old Testament translated by Jewish scholars during the intertestimental period) validates First Enoch.


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