It's exactly two days when we aren't have electricity. I admit it was so hard to work and move around the house when there's no electricity especially at night. On the first night we've been using candles to light our night but on the second night we've only using the flashlight of our phones. Unfortunately when dawn came total darkness was experienced. Our phones battery ran out so we didn't have anything to light the room and it's really hard especially when we want to go out to go to the comfort room but glad that this afternoon it was finally restored. At first I thought there's maintenance going on or some repair with the electric line but it wasn't. Last night, my son overheard our neighbor talking about our electricity line. They said that the transformer had exploded that's why we didn't have electricity. So all the neighbors gathered money to buy new transformer. I think this is the fourth time that we changed transformer. The problem is still the same so our other neighbors who have large house and had apartments decided to separate their line of electricity. They plan to buy their own transformer and I think this is the best solution so it will be avoided to have an overload. Overloaded line of electricity was the reason why the transformer exploded.
In our house we didn't consume too much electricity as we didn't have many appliances. It's only the electric heater that were using currently. Our rice cooker was not functioning already so we aren't using it. Aside from the electric heater, we also have light bulb, ceiling fan (we only used it when it's hot), and two cellphone to charge. These are all we have so I assume that we've only consumed fewer electricity. Even though we only have few things that uses electricity still it's very hard for us to adjust when we don't have electricity because we've became dependent of it especially at night. My little boys especially my youngest wanted light inorder for him to sleep properly but when there's no light he had to be cuddled as he was afraid of darkness.
Our life nowadays have become dependent on electricity. In cooking, washing and cleaning some of the things used needed electricity so it's very important to have electricity. But others used other alternative when electricity is gone. There's this solar power energy that needed sunlight to charge which can be use if there's no electricity. Before we had the solar panel but right now it was not functioning anymore. It was given to us by my husband's friend. Unfortunately we only used it for a week. The battery connecting to the solar panel and the led lights was destroyed so it couldn't function anymore but we've planning to buy solar lights when we have extra budget so that at night we will have light if there is no electricity.
If you're experiencing electric problem like brownout or another electric problem what did you use to light your house especially at night? Do you have generator, solar power energy or other alternatives?
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