Mahabharata scene in the chariot of Krishna and Arjun.

in blurt-1787181 •  4 days ago  (edited)


This is something that we have been hearing since childhood, a story of which continues as per tradition but the thoughts always change in some way or the other, so let's get together and talk about something.This is the story of Arjuna from the Mahabharata war that I want to tell you about because Krishna was a charioteer and rider who always had good thoughts about the looks and truth of his flag Shri Krishna also appeared as a guide to Arjuna in the form of a charioteer. He always told about the truth. He used to say that this chariot will protect you and you can also discuss about others.No matter how many wars were fought, one war is always remembered for a lifetime. Therefore, taking the crisis into account, Krishna created a Chakravyuh in which truth was to win and the storehouse of sin was to be destroyed.Shri Krishna tells Arjun about the past and the future Move ahead with time and know the truth that what we are going to do on this earth and whose destruction we are going to do depends on us and how we treat others

When Arjun does not understand anything, he asks Kishan what to do in this Aarti. He says that leave God alone and depend only on your karma. No matter how bad the situation is, you should never bow down.One should always fight with those situations and become a strong person. Be it good or bad, it goes with time but some things are always remembered.He gets a different feeling inside after seeing his brothers, he says that Krishna how can I do this because all of them are my brothers but Krishna said that fate happens according to karma and it is not my wish to see this today. Some things do not change according to us, time changes them, which Arjun told in Geeta while giving knowledge that come out of mental confusions and do the work with religion and move forward.

Shri Krishna told Arjun many things but his mantra was always disturbed. He advised him to control Indra. He said that understand your mind that son, friend and enemy are different and everything is the same.It is different, in order to get salvation you will have to make a tough and dangerous decision which can change the course of your life ahead.But many demons come in front of him and he gets distracted but the charioteer tells him that karma and yoga are the essence of life and he gets the fruits according to his karma.A person can get a good result even at Sarnath but a person who does bad deeds never gets any result, he gets a bad result

Photos captured by@ahlawat
Camera Devicenothing
CategoryNature, Photography, Flowers, Animals, Birds
EditedCaptured one
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