My phone photography of the day #22

in blurt-178594 •  last month 

Hello friends,

The most straightforward fruit to cultivate is the strawberry. Rich soils and sun are desirable for them. It is possible to grow strawberries at any time of the year; however, the best time to do so is in the late summer or even early fall.

Beginning in the summer and continuing into the autumn, strawberry plants can be planted. Planting strawberries between the middle of August and the middle of October is the optimal time to do so.

As a result, the plants have sufficient time to establish themselves before the onset of winter and the cold. It is the following year when they produce fruit. The ever-present that

On the other hand, strawberry cultivars that produce at the end of summer and the Four Seasons strawberry prefer to be planted in March and April, when springtime temperatures are higher and the soil is warmer.


Are you aware of this? Those strawberries that yield fruit more than once a year are referred to as everbearing strawberries.

Photography Details

DeviceRedmi Note 12 Pro
LensDefault Lens
Captured by@zessy

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