My phone photography of the day #21

in blurt-178594 •  last month 

Hello friends,

The garden bougainvillaea is a magnificent tropical shrub that is native to Brazil and has a stem that is branching. Because to the natural conditions, it blooms throughout the entire year.

The plant has recently garnered the attention of flower gardeners due to the fact that it is rather challenging to give proper care to. Its tips are adorned with elegant bracts that are available in three different colours: orange, white, and purple.

The indoor forms of this vine, which has long branches and may grow to a height of ten metres, are relatively tiny in size and are an excellent decorative choice.

The flower was given its name in acknowledgment of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, a French explorer who discovered the flower.


Stipules are the beautiful and vibrant flowers that are found on the stems of the plant. Real flowers, on the other hand, are considerably smaller, have a creamy hue, and do not have any function in terms of decoration.

The bracts are fashioned like arrows and hearts, lengthen to between three and five centimetres, and do not fall off for a considerable amount of time.

There are a few thorns on the plant, but they are extremely sharp, and the leaves have pointed tips.

Even if it is completely covered, the heat-loving liana can only endure temperature decreases of up to five degrees if it is well protected. As a result, it is not possible to cultivate it in conditions that are cool.

Photography Details

DeviceRedmi Note 12 Pro
LensDefault Lens
Captured by@zessy

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