Yesterday, when I was taking pictures of a bunch of ducks, I accidentally took too many photos, so I had to split them into two posts, here is the rest of the photos I took, I hope you like them!
How does God even manage making such beautiful ducks like this? I'm going to say it, this duck is a CCP. (certified cutie patoodie.)
I somehow got four ducks in one picture, it might not sound like much, but to me it is, because it's really hard! 😭
In the same pond, I saw an iguana! The landlord said that there should be a few roaming around the community, but we didn't see any for a few days, until now! This is my first time seeing an iguana here and I got it caught on camera! So I'm super happy about that. :)
Look! A wild Oreo! And it's predator in the top-right corner eyeing down its prey... 😯
I have been super lucky taking these photos THREE in one photo! How rare is that?! Some might say I'm overreacting, and to that I say...I think you're right. Whoever said that.
I'm super curious about this bird, because when it chirps, it's very, VERY low and sounds like a burp. 😅 So does anyone know the name of this bird?
Unfortunately, the bird started flying, but at least I got a cool photo of it spreading its wings! :D
Yes, there are fish in there, and i'm so proud of it too! 🥲 All I did was wait for some activity, then press the photo button repeatedly until I got something good. Dude, did I get something good! You can see pretty much the whole fish! Let me soak this in. (Get it? Because I said "soak" and the fish is in the water....okay I'll stop.)
I don't know if this in an egret or a heron, it would be great of someone knew and could tell me, thanks!
Thank you for your time!