Climbing flowers that sometimes have their own benefits

in blurt-178594 •  2 months ago 

Hello everyone, Good Afternoon!

This afternoon I will share some pictures that I took directly on the empty land next to my house.


🔃 The location of the photo shoot is right next to my house on the empty land.

Centrosema virginianum is a species of butterfly pea plant from the Fabaceae family. This plant is widespread in Uruguay, the West Indies, southeastern America, and even Africa.

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This plant is still in the same family as a type of bean and this plant is included in the category of wild vines that usually grow on moist soil and can creep onto fences and other plants or trees.

Pulutan (Urena lobata) is a plant that belongs to the Malvaceae/cotton family, meaning that this plant is related to gandapura, cotton, hibiscus, waru, sidaguri, and cemplak - a type of grass that smells very bad -.

What's interesting about this plant is that it can heal wounds on animal feet, especially cats or rabbits by taking a few leaves and pounding them and applying them to the animal's wounds. This is advice from ancient people and is still believed in our place.

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2-----------------Empty Land

➡️ | Photographer | @Saklabah

Greetings from me @saklabah

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