How far from the forest do you live? 😉

in blurt-178594 •  5 months ago 


I welcome all nature lovers and this is my first post in this community. And it's also my first post in communities in general. It's really great that it's now possible to create communities, join them and find like-minded people. I have to admit that my blog has been a bit chaotic... And I hope that now, thanks to the communities, I will bring some order to it.

So, I started my first post by asking how far from the forest you live. Or from the sea, or from the mountains. In general, any large natural object. What is nature to you? Is it a place where you spend your holidays or is it your lifestyle? There is no right or wrong, bad or good answer here. We are all very different and we have different lifestyles. That's normal.

I lived in a big city for most of my life. I never thought I would agree to give up city life! But now it's been more than a decade since I've lived in a small village nestled amongst the forests. No, I can easily get to the city, it only takes an hour by car. But to be in the forest, I only have to walk two hundred metres.

This has its advantages. The forest is definitely a place where everyone can rest, regain their energy and reboot their brain. I appreciate that. It really is a great opportunity. It is a completely different pace of life than I had in the city. It is more relaxed and at the same time it gives you the opportunity to live life more deeply, to feel it.

When I look at the huge pine trees, I think about how much they have seen and know. They hold within them the wisdom of this planet. They know very well that everything changes, that no matter how clever and ambitious we are, we still have to obey the inexorable laws of nature.

Here everything makes sense and everything is in harmony. There is nothing superfluous here. Sometimes I think it's very sad that we don't know how to organise our lives the way nature does. That's probably why we don't always manage to achieve harmony. That's why it's so good to be here.










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