RE: Wildlife Close-Up

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Wildlife Close-Up

in blurt-177869 •  2 months ago 

Stock Photography is, IMHO, a sunsetting business, if not dying. I have thousands of quality photographs put on several agencies. Sometimes there are sells combined that put some food on the table. If I have to sum it up with few words - a minor side hustle.
For me, only Adobe and Alamy are still fair to a point with their contributors. Shutterstock and the others eat too much of the pie ;)
Thank you! :)

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  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Thanks for the feedback and and interesting take on the industry. Why do you think it is possibly dying? Is it AI generation of photos, less respect for copyright, or the amount of free stock images on the market?

Welcome and thank you!
I think there are many reasons for that. AI for sure changes the game and all you say counts, it's over-competitive, small cut for the contributors and the greed of the agencies too.