Growth Through Embracing the Failure :

in blurt-176888 •  8 months ago 

Greetings everyone!!!
I hope you all will be fine and enjoying your good health and doing your work .

People's Perspective about Word "Failure":

Let's talk about the word "failure". You have heard about this word from too many people. After hearing this word , what the first thing comes in your mind. The first thing after hearing this word comes the feeling of disappointment, frustration, hopeless and inadequacy. Am I true? What if we change our perspective on failure? What if instead of seeing this word as a hurdle or block, we see it as a stepping stone to move forward?
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Redefining failure:
Failure is a word that often carries negative connotation, Heavey weight .Failure is an inevitable part of life and it doesn't depends on how skilled and prepared we are.Its all about how we respond and reacts to failure that truely matters .Why not we define it as an opportunity for the growth and improvement??
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Lessons from failure :

There are a lot of powerful personalities in this world that are more successful today . Think about artists, entrepreneurs and visionaries who have faced failure and challenges on their path to success .let's take the example of Thomas Edison ,the inventor of light bulb,who said that ,"I haven't failed",I have just found the 10,000 ways that won't work".
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Failure and rejection is a powerful motivation. A man learnt from his failures and mistakes . And failure provides invaluable lessons that we cannot learn from the success .it teaches us flexibility, perseverance and persistence that are necessary for navigating the life's challenges.It gives us the power to reevaluate, reassess our approach and identify the areas of weakness and improvement and gives us the courage to try again .

We forgot that we are humans and we can make mistakes . We thought that we are like the computers that can do everything perfectly and correctly . But when we meet failure, it reminds us that you are human and you can make mistakes and setbacks . By knowing our failures , we become more supportive for those who are facing the similar struggles .

Overcoming Fear :
We all are afraid of the failure that prevents us from taking risks and persuing the passions. We should remember that failure is not the end of the road but it's a path to success. We cannot be succeed in life without meeting failure. Everyone have to face failure before meeting their goals . J.K.Rowling is the author of Harry Potter series.I want to quote the author J.K.Rowling that ,"It is impossible to live without failing at something,unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all_in which case,you fail by default."
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Embracing Growth:
So we should embrace the failure as a teacher,motivator and a catalyst for the growth. We should see this word not as a obstacles but as opportunities to improve and polish ourselves.And one thing never forget that within every failure lies the seed of success ,there may be the waiting and we should cultivated through perseverance and determination.

We must normalise this in our society and communities. I saw a lot of people who are making jokes on the others due to failure. This not only discouraged failure person but also demotivate him . We should creat the environment where failure is not seen as a source of shame but as a valuable learning experience by reeducation and motivation.
Thanks !!!!!!

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