8 Best Life Lessons

in blurt-176888 •  3 days ago 

8 Best Life Lessons



The classroom was full of male and female students. Everyone was busy chatting, the ear couldn't hear the sound, at that time the principal entered the classroom, there was a commotion in the classroom.

The principal introduced a gentleman who came with him and said that this is the visiting professor of our college, Professor Ansari, you are a thinker and an author of many books. It will tell you some tips for living a successful life. He will have several lectures. Students who are interested should attend his lectures regularly.

Lesson 1

There was silence in the classroom. The eyes of the students sometimes look towards the professor and sometimes towards the blackboard. No one had an answer to the professor's question. That was the question.

Visiting Professor Ansari drew a long line on the blackboard without saying a word as he entered the hall. Then turning towards the students asked...

"Which of you can shorten this line without touching it?"

"It's impossible," answered one of the smartest students in the class, finally breaking the silence. "To make the line shorter, it will have to be erased and you are also forbidden to touch the line." The rest of the students also nodded in support.

The professor looked at the students with deep eyes and smiled without saying anything and drew another bigger line under this line on the blackboard. Now this line was looking small in front of the above line.

The professor placed the chalk on the table and said:

"You have learned a great lesson of your life today, that is how to get ahead of others without harming them, without defaming them, without envying them, without getting confused with them...." '

The desire to move forward is inherent in human nature. One way to satisfy this desire is to try to make the other smaller. But in such a case, man himself does not grow. Another way is to focus on making yourself powerful and big without getting confused by others. Moving ahead without getting confused by others is the right way to progress. This method is better for the individual as well as for the nations. This method has been practiced collectively by our neighboring country China and achieved the best results.

Lesson 2
As soon as he entered the class on the second day, Professor Ansari pasted a large white paper on the blackboard, after that he put a black dot with a marker in the middle of the white paper, then turned to the class and asked:

What are you seeing? "

Everyone said in unison, "A black dot".

The students were expressing surprise, their heads were also amazed, yesterday the line was drawn, today the point has been made....

The professor smiled and said, "It's a surprise!" Such a big white paper is hidden from your eyes with its brightness and full climate, but a small black dot is clearly visible to you?

The innumerable good deeds done in life are like a white paper while any mistake or defect is just like a small dot. Majority of people focus more on the faults of others but ignore the good ones.

A black dot of your one shortcoming or a mistake makes them appear more clearly on the good things of your whole life.

If you ask 100 people to fill a half glass of water, at least 80% will say the glass is half empty and 20% will say the glass is half water.... The two cases seem to have no difference, but in fact they represent two types of thinking. One is negative and the other is positive. People who have a negative way of thinking only see things from a negative side, while people with a positive mind find the good in everything.

The reactions of people have profound effects on the affairs of our lives. Traditional phrases like "What will people say" always lead us in two directions. This dilemma becomes the biggest obstacle in taking a decision. In this situation, only psychological confusion remains.

So whatever you do, whatever path you choose, remember that you can't please everyone.

Lesson No. 3

On the third day, the professor started his class and picked up a glass, which had some water in it. He raised the glass so that all the students could see it.

"Sir, don't you want to ask the same philosophical question whether the glass is half empty or half full" said a student.

The professor smiled and looked at him and said "No!" Today I want to ask you what do you think the weight of this glass will be….?”

"Fifty grams", "hundred grams", "one hundred and twenty five grams". Everyone started answering in their own way.

"I cannot tell the exact weight myself, unless I weigh it!..." said the professor. But my question is, "What if I hold this glass like that for a few minutes...?"

"Nothing will happen!" replied the students.

"Okay, now tell me what will happen if I keep this glass up for an hour...?" asked the professor.

"Your arm will start hurting," replied one of the students.

"You are absolutely right," the professor said in an approving tone.

"Your arm may be paralyzed," said one student. "Your leg may stiffen," said another student. You must go to the hospital!'' a student snapped and the whole glass burst into laughter.

"Very good!" The professor also laughed and asked, "But during this time, did the weight of the glass change...?"

"No," replied the students.

"Then what was the cause of the pain in the arm and the stiffness of the thigh...?" asked the professor. The students were confused.

"Keeping the glass up for too long, it's better to put the glass down now!" said a student.

"Exactly right!..." said the teacher.

The problems in our life are also of the same type. If you keep them in your mind for a few minutes, they seem fine. If you keep thinking about them for too long, they will become a headache for you. Hold them too long and they will paralyze you. You will not be able to do anything.

See….!Thinking about your life's challenges (problems) is definitely important. But…. More importantly, at the end of each day, before going to sleep, these problems are put out of mind. In this way you will not suffer from any kind of mental stress. The next morning you will wake up refreshed and full of energy and able to easily handle any issue, any challenge that comes your way. So remember to lower the glass i.e. unnecessary thinking about problems

Lesson No. 4

The professor said that tomorrow each student brought a transparent plastic bag with tomatoes.

When the students brought the bag and tomatoes, the professor said:

"Each of you students should pick a tomato in the name of the person you have not forgiven in your life and write that person's name and date on it and put it in your plastic bag."

Everyone did the same thing one by one, the professor looked at the class and saw that some students' bags were very heavy.

Then the professor said to all the students:

"This is your homework, all of you keep these bags with you, carry it with you everywhere. Keep it at the head of your bed when you sleep at night, keep it at the level of your desk when you are working. Tomorrow is Saturday, the day after tomorrow is Sunday, your day off, on Monday you bring those bags and tell us what you learned. "

When all the students came on Monday, there were signs of worry on their faces, they all said that it was a pain to drag this bag along. Naturally, the condition of the tomatoes began to deteriorate. They were pale and smelly.

The professor smiled and said, "What lesson did you learn from this exercise...?"

All the students were silent.

"This extra size shows how much unnecessary weight we are carrying around spiritually. We realize what we are paying for our suffering and our negative thinking.

We often think that forgiving someone, being kind to someone is good for that person, but by forgiving others, we gain countless benefits for ourselves. As long as we are angry with someone, thinking to take revenge against him, we are not burning anyone else's blood but our own blood. They keep themselves in agony and toil. The thought of revenge and revenge starts to smell like rotten tomatoes inside us. Unforgiveness becomes a burden and wears out our nerves.

Lesson No. 5

"Today we will not read..."

The professor said with a smile. All the students were surprised and started wishing each other.

You must be tired carrying a bag of tomatoes for two days. So, tea coffee for you today from me….”

Meanwhile, the peon of the college entered the lecture hall with two large jugs of coffee in his hand. Also there were many cups, porcelain cups, plastic cups, glass cups, some of them were simple cups and some were very precious, beautiful and sophisticated….

The professor asked all the students to "take that hot tea and coffee with your help."

When all the students took their cups of tea and coffee in their hands, the professor said.

"You guys think about it... All the fancy, expensive and good-looking coffee cups have been picked up, while the plain and cheap ones are untouched, they are kept as they are.

"What does that mean sir?" asked a student

"It is normal that you choose what is best for you, but this thinking is also the root of many of your problems and mental stress."

All the students were shocked, "What are you saying, sir? Choosing something good is a sign of high taste." How is this the root of the problem?

The professor smiled and said: “What you all really wanted was tea or coffee…. Not the cup…. But you all deliberately reached out for better cups and kept looking at each other's cups with furtive eyes.

My children... Young people… remember…. The real beauty of life is due to the happiness that comes from within. The magnificent bungalow, the expensive car, the right and left employees, the friends made by the glitter of wealth are all like precious cups. If the coffee or tea in this precious cup is bad, will you drink it?

What really matters is life, health and your high character. All the rest are fragile vessels made of glass, the slightest touch will break or crack these vessels.

Remember! Don't let yourself down because of the outward glitter of the world. Rather, bring out the real essence of life.

By focusing all our attention only on the cup, we miss out on enjoying the coffee in it - life. So don't let the cups burden your mind…. Enjoy the coffee instead.”

Lesson No. 6

While starting the class, the professor took out a pencil from his pocket and showed it to all the students and said:

Today's lesson you will learn from this pencil... There are five things in pencil that we all need to know!

"What is that sir..." everyone asked curiously

First: This pencil can be great and great work if it allows itself to be held in one's hand.

Second: To become a perfect pencil, it goes through the painstaking process of being sharpened over and over again.

Third thing: She has the ability to correct the mistakes, which may be committed by her.

Fourth thing: The most important part of this pencil will always be what is inside it, i.e. inside it, and fifth thing: on whatever surface the pencil is used, it must have left its mark on it. No matter what the situation is.

Now replace this pencil with yours.

You too can be capable of doing good and great things only when you allow yourself to be held in the hands of your teacher or guide.

Second thing: You will have to go through the painful process of being trimmed. These stages will come in front of you in the form of various problems of life in the world, to become a strong person you have to face these problems in a good way.

Third thing: To enable yourself to correct the mistakes that you may commit.

Fourth thing: Our most valuable asset is within us, our inner self, we have to protect it from the luxuries and luxuries.

Fifth point: Whatever level you pass through, you must leave your mark. No matter what the situation is.

Live with the belief that this world needs you, because nothing is useless or pointless.

Lesson No. 7

The professor looked at his students while entering the class and said

"Today I am going to teach you a very important lesson in life..."

He had brought a big glass jar with him, he placed this jar on the table and took out table tennis balls from his bag and started putting them in the jar…. There was no place left.

The professor asked the students, "Is the barney full?" “Yes….” the students replied in unison….

Then the professor took out small pebbles from the bag and started filling it in the barni, he was also moving the barni slowly. A lot of pebbles were packed into the barney where there was no space….

The professor again asked the question: "Is Bernie now full?"

The students once again said “yes”….

Now the professor took out a bag from the bag and took out sand from it and started putting it in the barni slowly, that sand also sat in the barni as far as possible...

Seeing this, the students started laughing at their ignorance….

The professor once again asked the question

"Is this barney full now...?"

“Yes!…. Now the head is full..." everyone said in one voice.

The professor took out two cans of juice from inside the bag and poured the juice into the barney, the juice also got absorbed in a small space in the middle of the sand...Now the professor started explaining in a very hoarse voice...

"Consider this glass barney as your life, table tennis balls are the most important tasks of your life.... For example, social style, earning a living, education and training, family, wife, children, job, health and safety, etc... Small pebbles are your common needs and desires. Car, bungalow, servant, mobile phone, computer and other necessities of life etc... and sand means small useless and useless things, quarrels, wandering, building air castles, passing time, wasting time etc...

If you had filled the glass jar first with sand, there would have been no room for the table tennis ball and pebbles, or if you had only filled the pebbles, you would not have filled the ball, the sand would have come...

The same method applies to life. If you stay behind useless and meaningless things and end your life in the cycle of it, then you will not have time for important things.

This is an important lesson for leading a successful and peaceful life. Now decide for yourself how you want to fill your glass jar.

The students were listening to the professor very carefully, suddenly one of the students asked "Sir! But you didn't say what juice boxes are?”….

The professor smiled and said “I was wondering why no one has asked this question yet…. This means that no matter how busy we are in life and no matter how successful we are, there should always be room for the sweetness of the relationship with our family and friend

Lesson No. 8

Today was the last day of the lecture, the students in the classroom were chatting, then the professor entered the classroom, the buzz of the classroom gradually turned into deep silence. Saw a balloon behind the professor entering the red colored classroom....

On the instructions of the professor, the balloon man distributed all the balloons among the students one by one.

"Sir, today is not Valentine's Day..." a student snapped. "Sir! Is it your birthday?" said another student.

The professor smiled and said:

"Each of you is to write your name on these balloons using a marker." Everyone wrote their names on the request of the professor. After that, all the balloons were collected and put into another room. The professor said to all the students, "Now everyone go to the balloon room and find the balloon with your name on it, be careful not to pop any balloon and you all have five minutes."

Everyone frantically bumped into each other, pushing others to find their name balloon. It was a chaotic scene. All the balloons were of the same color, no one could find the balloon with his name for five minutes…. Seeing this, Professor Ansari said that

Now you have five minutes to grab any balloon and let the person with its name jump, after two or three minutes everyone has their own balloon with their name.

Addressing the class, Professor Ansari said:

"Exactly like this is our life, everyone is searching around for joys in the malaise without knowing where they are."

The youth... Remember...our happiness lies in the happiness of others, give them their happiness and you will find yours."

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