Brief Introduction to Appendicitis and its Treatment

in blurt-176888 •  last month 


Appendicitis is the inflammation of a pouch like tissue attached to the large intestine of the digestive tract on the lower right side of the abdomen.

First of, what is appendix itself?.
Appendix is a small sized pouch that is attached to the bowel in the lower right side of the abdomen (simply put tummy).

Appendicitis although does not have a fact-based clinical etiology at least for now, usually happens when the appendix becomes infected and swollen leading to its inflammation.

It is often viewed as being caused by something getting stuck in the appendix especially in the luminal entrance to it such as a small piece of stony undigested food, hard poo or even any indigestible foreign material that may have gotten its way there.

Appendicitis being an inflammatory condition in origin can be multifactorial in nature.

Appendicitis can also be caused by various pathogenic organisms that can lead to infections, such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites which have gotten into the digestive tract. Though most often, it happens when the tube that joins appendix with large intestine gets blocked or trapped by stool or stony undigested materials. In some primary or metastatic tumors can cause appendicitis.

An inflamed appendix appears sore and swollen in clinical appearance.


"Appendicitis is primarily caused by a blockage of the hollow portion in the appendix. This blockage typically results from a faecolith, a calcified "stone" made of feces. Some studies show a correlation between appendicoliths and disease severity. Other factors such as inflamed lymphoid tissue from a viral infection, intestinal parasites, gallstone, or tumors may also lead to this blockage. When the appendix becomes blocked, it experiences increased pressure, reduced blood flow, and bacterial growth, resulting in inflammation.This combination of factors causes tissue injury and, ultimately, tissue death. If this process is left untreated, it can lead to the appendix rupturing, which releases bacteria into the abdominal cavity, potentially leading to severe complications" Source

Another name for appendicitis is Epityphlitis based on Webster dictionary as regards medical terms.

Signs and Symptoms of Appendicitis including the following;


Symptoms are commonly nutritional in nature and often observed as right lower abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fever and reduced appetite for food. 40% of patients affected by appendicitis do not show these typical symptoms.


Complications were usually very severe which sometimes can include bursting and rupturing of the appendix itself after prolonged inflammation that can lead to widespread, painful around the lining of the inner part of abdominal cavity and even sepsis. This painful symptoms is as a result of widespread pathogenic organisms in the abdominal leading to repeated inflammatory responses.

"The classic symptoms of appendicitis include:
Pain in your lower right belly or pain near your navel that moves lower. This is usually the first sign. ...
Loss of appetite.
Nausea and vomiting soon after belly pain begins.
Swollen belly.
Fever of 99-102 F.
Inability to pass gas."Source


That's all as regards Appendicitis for now as regards this post, more would be discussed in the subsequent posts and keep everything rocking as it is.

Happy Blogging and Reading 💥💥💥💥


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