Ugly Duckling Stage is a stage of dental development, within the mixed dentition period usually around the ages of 7 and 12 years, before the eruption of the permanent canines when the upper or maxillary central and lateral incisors are tipped towards the lateral side owing to the crowding that is brought about by the unerupted permanent canines, which leads to the formation of a midline space (Diastema)
"This is not the cute fairy tale that millennials grew up reading, the ugly duckling stage is a dental peculiarity in children aged 7 - 12 years. Kids have baby teeth initially and by the age of 6-7, their permanent teeth start to grow. The baby tooth wobble and falls off and give space for the permanent tooth to erupt." Source
The midline space appearance is normal transitory phase in dentition and the incisors usually will assume back the normal alignment after the upper canines erupt into position in the upper dental arch creating a pressure back on the crown of the incisors so that the root is tipped in the opposite direction so as to close off the diastema space on the frontal teeth.
However, if it occurs that there is no enough room in the mouth for the canines to align properly within the occlusal plane, then the use of brace would have to be considered for such a patient.
Ugly Duckling Stage is otherwise referred to as Broadbent Phenomenon
An Ugly Duckling Stage is transitional only and does not require orthodontic intervention in most cases. It is usually when the upper canines on both sides of the upper dental arch have erupted, that the front teeth will straighten as a whole and the gap or diastema space between them will close up.
"The name ugly duckling is because of the close resemblance between the appearance of the tooth at this stage."Source
That's all as regards Ugly Duckling Stage as regards this post, more would be discussed in general length in the subsequent posts and happy reading and blogging
Happy Blogging and Reading 💥💥💥💥
Video from Doctoropsy YouTuber