A Brief Note on Personal Cleanliness and Hygiene Maintenance in Pregnancy

in blurt-176888 •  2 months ago  (edited)

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It is of great importance in every society that a women in pregnant periods have assess to good physical and mental health so as to feel happiness and fulfillment throughout the waiting period of pregnancy.

Personal hygiene in pregnancy can be achieved through the following ways and procedures:

1- Adequate sleep is very crucial for pregnant woman. A sleeping patterns for atleast 8 hours at night in a well ventilated and uncrowded room. Bath should be taken before sleeping and she should sleep in a comfortable position.

2- Exercise should be seriously engaged in such as walking, swimming which be very less strenuous in manner. It is advisable to be very cautious during exercises not be demanding and excessive as this could bring about premature labour and abortion.


3- Personal cleanliness which include daily bathing and brushing of teeth should be ensured. The skin of a pregnant woman is more active during pregnancy, thereby, need daily bath.


4- A pregnant woman should be advised to wear a normal comfortable clothes with no over tight or any clothes that can bring too much pressure on the body especially in the abdominal regions. Therefore, it should be light, loose and easily laundered and took face in case of any circumstances.

5- Pregnant woman should ensure adequate intake of fruits and fluid in order to prevent constipation, which is common in pregnancy. It is not encouraged to use laxatives because some stimulant laxatives may lead to contraction causing abortion or premature labor. Any pain, bad odor or discoloration of urine during urination should be reported to healthcare provider.


6- Smoking, alcoholism, substances abuse and other forms of hard drugs intake is highly recommended to be abstained from during pregnancy as it may bring about delivery of underweight, small babies and malformed babies at birth.

7- There is some general say that sexual activities is not healthy for pregnant women. However, this lacks substantial medical evidence as in the absense of complications, there is no cause for alarm to engage in sexual intercourse during pregnancy and even should not be discouraged or undermined.


8- Pregnant women should try as possible to wash off daily their breast after birth paying more attention to the nipples. The areola area should be washed with warm water. Also it should be scrub with fingers to make it protractile and stimulate the mammary glands for milk secretions in addition to the colostrum and properly fitted brassiere should be encouraged.

1- The baby develops from the union of the father's sperm and the mother's egg.The formed cell develops rapidly and it's embedded into the womb.

2- The embedded cell then depends on the mother for the provision of nutrients and oxygen and also the excretion of waste product. The foetal and maternal exchange of nutrient, oxygen or even waste product is achieved through the placenta.

3- The formation of the baby is within the first three months. Any physical stress or trauma occuring at that period can be very lethal and have negative impact on the normal foetal development and may eventually create a very fertile ground for deformation or abortion.

4- Some drugs can pass through the placenta and can be dangerous for the baby at that period. It is, therefore, important to abstain from any medication except when prescribed by a qualified healthcare provider.

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5- There is a great need to avoid any type of infection or ill health during this period and any observable ill health should immediately reported to health professionals.

6- Adequate rest is necessary as strenuous activities may dislodge the delicate attachment of the fetus.

7- There is need for adequate intake of nutritious food such as egg, fish, green leafy vegetables, fruits, meat, cray fish, snail, milk etc.

8- A pregnant woman with tendency of abortion or history of previous abortion should avoid sexual intercourse at the first 6-12 weeks of pregnancy.

9- LAST BUT NOT LEAST, a pregnant woman should always try to maintain enough rest as possible to avoid any little bit of stress that can bring about miscarriage and so on

That's all as regards pregnancy care and maintenance follow up on the post. More reviews on pregnancy in the subsequent posts and happy reading.

Happy Blogging and Reading 💥💥💥💥


Video from pregnancy info YouTuber

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