A Brief Note on Healthy Pregnancy

in blurt-176888 •  3 days ago 


A fetus is a baby that is yet unborn or simply put a baby before it is born which is still attached to the uterus.

For the first nine months of life a new human being grows inside its mother's womb/uterus.

"Pregnancy is the time during which one or more offspring develops (gestates) inside a woman's uterus (womb). A multiple pregnancy involves more than one offspring, such as with twins"Source


A fetus growing in its mother's body needs to partake in all most the characteristics of living things such as nutrition, excretion, respiration and so on.

The fetus relies on its mother to supply it with everything that it needs and to remove all the substances that it needs to excrete

A healthy pregnant mother often allows the fetus to stay healthy as well. The substances that the fetus needs are brought to it through its mother's blood although the mother's blood does not mix or touch with the fetus's blood. These nutrients, oxygen, water and other needs materials needed are transferred by diffusion.

In similar approach the substances such as waste materials and carbondioxide that the fetus needs to excrete diffuse from the fetus's blood to the mother's blood in the opposite direction.



A diet is a food or meal taking and consume everyday by humans for growth and development.

A good diet during pregnancy has a big effect on the fetal health. When a woman is pregnant, she needs to eat a balanced diet, in order to stay healthy. Also, she needs to eat a little bit more because some of the nutrients that she eats are passed along to the growing fetus.

Some of the important classes of diet for the pregnant mother include the following;
1- Protein
2- Carbohydrate
3- Vitamins and Minerals

1- Protein
Protein is needed to help fetus to produce new cells and grow.
So, protein is needed in plenty amount by the pregnant mother. The mother also needed it to keep her muscle strong and well.

Protein is also needed to make extra haemoglobin in order to transport enough oxygen for the pregnant and her unborn baby.

2- Carbohydrate
Carbohydrate supplies oxygen. Cells get energy by combining glucose with oxygen to release during respiration.
In a nutshell, pregnant mothers need to eat enough carbohydrate in order to make sure enough is available for her and the fetus.

3- Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are also very significant during pregnancy to both the mother and her unborn baby. For instance, Iron is required to synthesise haemoglobin which is needed for adequate oxygen circulation in the red blood cells through out the body system. Mother's during pregnancy needs to eat a lot of food containing iron.


Also, calcium is needed for the baby to grow strong bones and also to keep the mother's bones and teeth in good health and condition.

The mother therefore needs to consume a lot of fruits, vegetables, beverages, salts, spices, food additives, stews, soups and so on which contains a lot of vitamins.

Multivitamins syrup can also be used if necessary during pregnancy for proper growth and development as it is.


That's all as regards healthy pregnancy in brevity and concise paragraphs. More would be discussed in the subsequent posts and write-ups and happy blogging and reading.

Happy Blogging and Reading 💥💥💥💥


Video from Meghan YouTuber

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