I have never seen a school teacher as rude as our neighborhood school teacher.They are speaking as if there is nothing left to teach them.Even I clearly understood that they have a terrorist mentality like killing people.If the teachers of a school are in such a situation, then it is not possible to explain what will be the situation of the students of that school.However, if you get some boys, who will teach them their mistakes, but it is difficult to expect teachers so low-minded as to make them do such adventures as killing them.I saw with my own eyes how all those incidents encourage fights in an educational institution.Thought it might be like this here but the real story turned upside down.In a moment, a fight suddenly broke out and a terrible situation arose.
A few times I saw a madam saying over and over again, "Catch it" while fearing that "catch" means killing it.I didn't say the real thing, after stealing the thief can do everything to stay with his team, this is exactly what these madams are doing.They are also the leaders of robbers, because of this situation, the teachers of the world butpa do not think that they have given them jobs.The school has been destroyed by some of the educated barbarians who at one point chased each other with sticks and even got into a big fight.They did not think a bit about making a thousand corruption terrorists to cover up one corruption.
Now the tension is down and the dire situation prevails, always eager to see what happens, yet the peaceful atmosphere in the area has been destroyed.I went there for a job and that didn't happen.I saw a very uncivilized educated society who claimed to be civilized and a shameless education system of a terrorist shameless country.
Sumon is making the most violent people by feeding people who are as tender as children and they need to be severely punished.They need to be severely punished. All of them should stay away from such teachers and keep their education and humanity alive.As of today, I am leaving here, everyone, stay well and stay healthy.
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