"Today is a free afternoon" which reminded me of sayings from my childhood.

in blurt-174157 •  3 months ago 
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Hello My dear friends, I hope everyone is well? Alhamdulillah! I am also well with your prayers and love।

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Good afternoon I hope you are doing well during the busy period. I tried to spend this afternoon being a little different but it didn't work so I had to go back and see what is really there to do. And I started to see that the afternoon is a lot of fun where we can always enjoy our cute moments. There was a time when we enjoyed it a lot but that was our lost past childhood. During the time when we were living life playing in high school there was no thought.

At that time, I only understood one thing, the mother's rule, and at the same time, I understood the mother's love and joy, laughter, fun, etc. There was no thought, no responsibility. Those days are gone with the passage of time but there are still some memorable moments when I see the boys and girls playing sports and I try to relive those days.


Today's technology has made us so dependent that we are not controlled by technology but by technology. Today boys and girls wake up and play sports with technology, they don't go to the field and never miss our last golden past. However, relatives who know themselves should give the opportunity to the youngest boys and girls, even if they cannot show up with their children. Thanks to this opportunity, everyone can laugh and grow in the open field and develop their talent and talent from there.

I live in Bangladesh, one of my most well-known sports clubs here is BKSP. BKSP produces many players every year who are currently playing at international level, most of them are from here. Of course, we also have a role to play in making them the kind of thinking and talented stars that we give to our children. I tried to spend this afternoon a little like this. Everyone was sitting and the children were playing and I sat a little away and was addicted to technology. From there I still tried to observe a little, but that too for my own good and for the sake of technology.


Along with the children, adults were also trying to pass the time by chatting even though the technology was not working for a while. In our areas people are usually always busy with mobile phones but no one realizes its harmful aspects, like lately I myself am sick but still can't stay away from the mobile.

My health is very bad so I ask for your prayers and I am trying to stay away from technology as much as possible. But the bad news is that I am three times more attracted to the mobile phone than I try to be, which means that technology is controlling me.


Como hasta ahora, pero en los próximos días apareceré con nuevos escritos, Insha'Allah. Todos cuidarán su salud y tratarán de mantener felices a sus familiares.

Thank you so much

AndroidRedmi 10C
Camera5 MP f, 48 MP b/2.2, Primary Camera 📸
LocationBangladesh 🇧🇩 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Short by@sheikhtuhin
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