“I Almost Died Because Diddy Poisoned Me!” Says Jamie Foxx

in blurt-174103 •  4 months ago 

“I Almost Died Because Diddy Poisoned Me!” Says Jamie Foxx

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.45M subscribers
Nov 26, 2024 #TheJimmyDoreShow

In a potentially shocking development in the Diddy case, actor and comedian Jamie Foxx reportedly told the crowd at a recent show that he was the one responsible for turning the rapper/producer in to the authorities. And why would he have done such a thing? Because, Foxx said, Diddy was behind the poisoning that sent him to the hospital and nearly killed him.

Jimmy discusses this surprising turn in the unfolding drama and criminality surrounding Diddy.

Matt Gaetz Sex Allegations Was A Honeypot Operation! w/ Ian Carroll

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.45M subscribers
210,605 views Nov 25, 2024

Do you remember in 2021 when Matt Gaetz went on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show and spun a wild tale alleging he and his father were being extorted for $25 million to make sexual misconduct allegations go away, and that the money would be used to free an American being held in Iran? At the time it seemed like a crazy story and made little sense, but now more details have emerged, and it turns out Gaetz was 100% telling the truth.

Jimmy and online journalist Ian Carroll discuss the latest revelations about the plot and speculate how Gaetz might have been the target of a “honeypot” operation to set up the extortion scheme.

Brian Williams SCHOOLS Seth Meyers On How Terrible Democrats Are!

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.45M subscribers
Nov 26, 2024

It’s a sad state of affairs when prominent members of the liberal commentariat like Seth Meyers need to be schooled on Democrats’ abandonment of the working class by the likes of millionaire Brian Williams. Yet that’s precisely what happened during a recent taping of Meyers’ late night talk show.

Jimmy discusses Democrats’ utter failure to deliver for working class voters and continuing failure to acknowledge this plain-as-day fact.

NY Times BURIES Study Exposing DEI Dangers!

The Jimmy Dore Show
1.45M subscribers
Nov 26, 2024

A recent study exposing the failures of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs was buried by mainstream media outlets. The New York Times and Bloomberg opted not to publish stories on the research, however, suggesting a coordinated campaign to protect DEI from criticism.

Jimmy discusses the various harms described in the study from DEI initiatives and how little scrutiny these programs receive.

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