Growth begins when you allow yourself to be open minded

in blurt-173988 •  last year 
Hello to all my dear readers and friends of this community of growth. Our life in general lines is composed of small daily challenges, sometimes, some difficulties, and always, at all times of great blessings that allow us to tell the universe thank you, thank you, thank you.


One of the key points to having a harmonious and full life is growth, in each of the spaces and areas of our existence growth is associated with what we want, our goals, purposes, and desires. According to each one of us and our life plan, needs, and desires, growth is a fundamental pillar. But it is not only about growing but also about understanding how to grow and how to strengthen ourselves in that growth.

In this tuning of growth, the most important thing is to combine our capabilities, skills, and thoughts, in the latter, it is extremely valuable to have an open mind. Many people believe that an open mindset is about accepting everything that happens to us and in our environment just like that, as if by magic, without asking questions or questioning anything, however, this is a misconception of an open mindset, this is to be conformist and assume that everything happens by inertia.


An open mentality supposes a series of agreements with ourselves and our life according to what we are and what we wish to be, in this case, it is about connecting our physical, mental, and spiritual selves in the same harmonic direction whose center is our well-being in any situation. In this plane, the agreements that throughout my life have helped me to develop an open mentality are:

I am responsible for my life: In life as human beings we have the tendency to hold others responsible for the facts, events, attitudes, and even consequences of our life, sometimes we say that what affects us is the fault of our parents' upbringing or some childhood trauma, however, there comes a time when we must open our minds and release others from the responsibility of our life. As adults, we are the ones who decide how the past or our present actions affect us. This act allows us to be aware of what we do and how it impacts our existence.


Leave aside the "I can't, I am like this": Keeping a closed position and anchoring ourselves to habits and customs is a very comfortable position, while the world changes we must consider some necessary changes that are only possible if we leave our comfort zone and dare to do new things and especially to modify life habits that no longer do us good.


Accept the unexpected and always look for the best of each situation: Refusing to change is a way we have of not trying new things, we deny ourselves the possibility of moving forward either electively or by external force. In this case, we must always accept, reason, think about the good and positive, let go if necessary, and see the best that each situation leaves us.

Do something new every day: So little things, or what we think are little things, we can do something new, something that we would say I do not think my closed self does and thus begin to take on new challenges, with this small action we will be more prepared when unexpected things come. I hope these agreements help you to make your own agreements and commitments, remember that each life and existence is unique, there is no manual for life and the fundamental thing is to live it in the best possible way.

Image 1st author: johnhain
Image 2nd author: ElisaRiva
Image 3rd author: garten-gg
Images 4th author: geralt

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