Higher blood pressure-causing factors

in blurt-168824 •  3 months ago 


Age: Regretfully, you are powerless over this factor. Staying physically fit and avoiding stressful situations are the only ways to reduce the risk of high blood pressure, which rises with age.

Ancestral history: You should take more precautions with your lifestyle and health if high blood pressure runs in your family. Inheriting such issues is largely influenced by genes.

Consumption of salt: Make sure you don't overlook this factor, as many others do. Elevated use of salt in diet always raises the risk of hypertension. Refrain from using salt and cook your meals with the least amount possible to suit your taste buds and prevent you from becoming accustomed to consuming large amounts of it, as this can lower your risk of high blood pressure and heart attack.

Way of Life: Choosing to have an active and healthy lifestyle is one of the best choices you can make because it will improve your health in every aspect. A person who is active naturally has a lower risk of various health issues. Thus, it also holds true here. Strive to workout and work out every day to stay in shape.

Overweight: Regretfully, obesity is currently one of the global issues that is expanding the fastest. Kids are addicted to screens as a result of being exposed to technology, which keeps them from engaging in physical activity. Therefore, obesity is a widespread issue for many people nowadays, regardless of age. Obesity and excess weight also raise the risk of high blood pressure.

Consuming alcohol: Here, "drinking" obviously refers to consuming alcohol. Unbeknownst to you, excessive alcohol consumption can raise blood pressure.

Smoking: Likewise, smoking is another unhealthy practice that raises the risk of hypertension. As a matter of fact, smoking is one of the habits that is worst for your health. It results in a multitude of grave health issues that are irreversible.

You can assist yourself maintain normal blood pressure by making an effort to address these issues. If you don't and end up with persistently high blood pressure, issues begin to surface that can cause a host of other issues.

Issues related to elevated blood pressure:

Heart Attack: Heart attacks are the first and most significant issue to address in this context. An artery blockage prevents the heart from getting oxygen, which leads to a heart attack. The patient has a sharp pain in the chest right away as a result of that portion of the heart stopping to function. It also results in dyspnea, which is extremely uncomfortable for the person experiencing it. Most people associate the symptoms with acidity or other issues without realizing what the symptoms are actually causing. If a patient is having a heart attack, they need to get to the hospital right away.

Heart Failure: Since pumping blood is the heart's primary function, failure will inevitably result from it being unable to do so. Shortness of breath, abnormal swelling in the legs, ankles, belly, and veins, and chest pain are the most typical symptoms of heart failure.

Stroke: Another significant aspect that results from an artery leading to the brain being blocked is stroke. The most typical signs of a stroke are attacks of paralysis and numbness in various body parts, which impairs speech fluency. There may also be issues with vision in some situations.

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