Everyone’s opinion shouldn’t matter

in blurt-168824 •  11 months ago 


If there is one habit that I really want to drop at my big age is not considering what other people think about me, people will always have an opinion about you and your life, wether good or bad. That habit of being self conscious or image conscious can ruin your mental health, especially when the critics is coming from older persons or your leaders in our place of worship .
It will make you displease yourself to please other people, it will make you take blame you aren’t suppose to take.
Learn to live and embarrass that life that you desire and admire, sometimes this people want to direct and shape our life style the way it pleases them, the way they lived their our life.

The fact is that people will always have an opinion of you, it could be negative or positive, but it’s important you don’t overthink on people opinions on your life, especially when you know your goals and values . Learn from your mistakes and take full responsibility of every action you take , be confident in yourself especially when you feel it’s right. Everyone’s opinion shouldn’t matter to you because it’s your life and you are accountable for your life.

If you really feel comfortable and okay with yourself, the thought of imperfect men will not be a burden to you. People will always talk about you, you cannot please everyone, even Jesus couldn’t please all men.

Just know that people will always have an opinion about you, even if you try so hard to please them, build your self confidence and set boundaries.

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