Importance of budgeting and saving. A personal experience

in blurt-1683810 •  25 days ago 

One of the most important things in our life is to save our savings at the right time. Spend them properly. If we cannot do these things then we will face many big problems in our life. Which I can never imagine. I will share with you some real-life experiences of my life today. When you manage him in life work in a financial institution. Make money for yourself. Then you must have it in you to save money. How will you earn money well, you have to go through your next life with this kind of mindset. Then you can manage your life beautifully and well.

Importance of budgeting and saving. A personal experience.png

Today we have been given to talk about a beautiful topic in this beautiful community. Among them, I have taken from my real life and currently, I am working in an organization. And the money I am earning financially. How I'm earning my money, how I'm saving it, and how I'm trying to increase my financial savings. I will try to speak on that subject within the beautiful committee we have been asked to speak beautifully. I am very happy today that I can speak on this subject in this beautiful committee. Which I am sharing with you from my life and from real life. I always try to share myself and my younger brother with my family and friends. I will share those things with you today.


I can share a valuable financial point. Which has made a big impact on my life.

Budgeting and saving is crucial when you're making money for a living. If that money is well saved and budgeted you can't use it. Then you can't improve in any way in your life. Which is very important in my life. Whenever I go anywhere I always try to make a budget according to the conditions. Budget is a very important aspect of anything. Because if you introduce extra money then it has a big impact on your savings. Which will not actually succeed in any way for you to move forward.

When I first started working. At that time, more than half of my salary from my job was spent on unnecessary things. Things I didn't need or wouldn't need. My money was spent on those things. But one time I felt that I had to do something for my future. Spending money as I am making money but doing nothing for the future. This was a big concern for me. Then I thought that something could be planned. The plans that I am trying to make with you today are in blog form below.

Below I have shared some processes with you. Which have helped to play a much bigger role in my life.

Savings increase job means you can always spend anywhere. But have you ever thought about the next time when you won't have a job? What do you do then? That's why you must look at savings. How can you get the most out of it? By eliminating your extra expenses, you increase your savings so that you can spend money from the last part even if you face any problems later on. Because the job market is very closed these days.

Reduce unnecessary expenses In our life we ​​earn money to spend. But if that money is unnecessary then it has no meaning. You will earn money and spend money is all up to you. What you need and don't need. You have to guide your life based on that. When you start earning money in your life. Then you have to eliminate unnecessary money. Unnecessary money if you can't deduct it from your expenses. Then you can never succeed. You must cut your unnecessary expenses to be successful. Which is for you or I think always so share with you.

Financial Discipline If you spend according to your income. Then you can build your financial discipline. You earned 10 rupees and spent 11 rupees. Then your financial discipline will not be built at all. If you keep buying things you don't need, things you don't need. If you buy them repeatedly and don't use them.

Create an effective budget plan. How much do you earn? If you can make the cost accordingly. Then you can make a budget according to a good plan. Which is very important for you and your future savings. Things I always notice. How much money I earned and how much money I will spend that month. I try to keep the spending limit a little lower because I know the future will be trying.

Create an emergency fund An emergency fund must be created. Go collect money only if you need it. And use that money only for urgent purposes. You can't use that money for any other purpose if you want. When you don't have a job. When you face a big risk or invest in a business.

The things I talked to you about above. I have tried to share with you all from my life. I always notice these things. Because there is no substitute for money to lead a beautiful life. No man is valued in our beautiful world without money. Whether you say family say state say society or any place you go to the things we talked about later. They are enough for us to protect ourselves in any situation. I think some support is needed to secure and protect that support is your finances and finances without which you are somehow protected or even in a particular situation with yourself. Can be rescued and if any protection support

Accumulation Strategy The things I have noticed moving forward are mentioned below

Turn on automatic savingDetermine the purpose of savingsinvest

Maintaining financial discipline is important. Those which I have always followed are mentioned below.

Review the budget regularlyKeep records of expensesSet financial goals

We must remember every human being. We need to reduce spending. We need to create a mindset of saving money by thinking about the future. Financial goals should be set. Financial goals are one of the things that are very important to each of us. We need to move forward by setting short-term and long-term financial goals. Such a beautiful plan must be made. A stable financial life is needed to prepare for a bright future for each of us. Let's prepare for a beautiful morning. I have tried to share with you some beautiful words above about me. I review the budget I have each month and start adding expenses based on my own personal income. Or the budget I set all together creating savings limits that set goals moving forward. I am trying to highlight that, hope you like it. And Sundari blog has been tried entirely from my own experience.

Thank you all for your valuable time reading my blog

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