Los amores de Alberto, la niña Carmela y Antoñito [4] (BigVERSO)

in blurt-1683810 •  6 days ago 

Los amores de Alberto, la niña Carmela y Antoñito [4]

Antoñito saco la carta del bolsillo de su saco la abrió con cuidado y comenzó a leer con detenimiento, pero no puso cara de enamorado si no de preocupación, esta como el resto de misivas que recibía por paloma mensajera desde que llego al pueblo de El Olvido y vivía en la casa de los Medina no era de ninguna novia, enamorada o amante, si no de su amigo y abogado, luego de terminar con la lectura la guardo con mucho cuidado escondiéndola junto con las otras cartas que recibía de su abogado regularmente, su situación seguia siendo extremadamente peligrosa el doctor Acosta le informaba que sus enemigos seguían tras su pista, si quería librarse de las garras de Fierro debía seguir oculto, no era seguro regresar, debía seguir siendo muy cuidadoso, y desconfiara hasta de su sombra, finalmente le recomendaba que se quedará unos días mas en El Olvido hasta que fuera seguro regresar.


Antoñito se recostó sobre su cama a meditar, su situación seguia siendo muy complicada, las cosas no pintaban nada bien, lo mejor era seguir el consejo del doctor Acosta y no tomar ningún riesgo innecesario, su conversación con Campitos el viejo cochero del pueblo amigo de su difunto padre tendría que esperar a que su actual situación estuviera resuelta!!!, el joven vio la hora en su reloj de bolsillo, aun era temprano se recosto en la cama y cerro los ojos para dormir una pequeña siesta antes de la cena, seguramente madre e hijo tendrían muchas cosas que contarse y ponerse al día luego de casi un año de no verse, -tock, tock!!!-, 30 minutos después doña Altagracia estaba tocando a su puerta para que saliera a cenar el rico estofado de conejo que habia preparado, Antoñito se puso su viejo saco y salió de su cuarto, cuando llego al comedor encontró sentado en el puesto que le habia correspondido el tiempo que llevaba viviendo en casa de los Medina, la cabecera de la mesa!!! a Alberto como no podía ser de otra manera, el ingeniero se puso de pie para saludarlo, los dos hombres se midieron por unos segundos mientras Alberto estrechaba con firmeza la mano de Antoñito.


-Muchas gracias Antonio, mi madre me ha contado lo atento y servicial que ha sido con ella todo el tiempo que llevaba viviendo en nuestra casa, estoy muy agradecido de que cuidara de mi mama y la ayudara en todo lo que pudiera.

-No hay nada que agradecer señor Alberto, siempre estoy a la orden para lo que se le ofrezca a doña Altagracia y si puedo serle útil a usted de alguna manera no dude en pedir mi ayuda.

-Estamos muy jóvenes para llamarnos de señor, puedes tutearme con confianza Antonio.

-Gracias Alberto.

-Bueno, bueno tanto como ayudarme aquí en la casa!!!, mira lo flaco y chiquito que es Alberto no pudo ni levantar el solo el colchón nuevo que te compre!!!.


-Ja,ja,ja,ja,ja!!!-, los tres comensales estallaron en risas, luego doña Altagracia se disculpo con Antoñito por la broma, reafirmándole a su hijo que su inquilino podía ser pequeño, flaco y no tendría mucha fuerza física, pero lo que si tenía y le sobraba era su buen corazón mas una voluntad de hierro y su gran disposición para hacer las cosas, jamas le había dicho que no a algo que le pidiera así le costara trabajo y mucho esfuerzo!!!, sentado a la mesa degustando su rico estofado de conejo Alberto Medina se tomaba el tiempo para detallar al enclenque inquilino de su casa, sus maneras y modales, su forma de comer y usar los cubiertos en la mesa era de gente fina, habia compartido mucho con Joaquín Müller y su familia, solo habia visto esos modales en la mesa a la madre de su amigo y a su hermana pequeña Marlene.


Su madre doña Altagracia durante el buen rato que estuvieron a solas conversando cuando recién llego a la casa de su viaje le habia contado sobre Antoñito no solo de lo voluntarioso que era y lo mucho que la habia ayudado desde que alquilaba un cuarto en la casa, también le describió la buena amistad que habia surgido entre Antoñito y su futura esposa la niña Carmela!!!, luego de oirlo hablar y detallar sus finos modales a la mesa se hecho a reír -jajaja- igual que su madre solo de imaginarse de que existiese una posibilidad de que este pequeño y enclenque hombre le pudiera robar el amor de su niña Carmela!!!. Cuando su madre y Antoñito le preguntaron de que se reía, justifico su risa dando por excusa tonta una vieja broma de sus amigos universitarios.


Pasado el momento de la risa y mientras la cena continuaba su curso Alberto se cuestionaba mentalmente ¿ que le vería la niña Carmela a un flaco enano como Antoñito ?, ¿se podría enamorar su linda novia de un extraño?, finalmente se respondió que de ninguna manera!!!, eso amores imposibles solo ocurrían en las letras impresas en las hojas de las las grandes novelas o en las historias de folletín mas baratas que se compraban en el kiosko, simplemente no eran reales.


Al otro lado del pueblo, la niña Carmela llegaba a su casa escoltada por sus dos hermanos Juan José y Juan Rafael, el pequeño viaje a paso lento no debió durar mas de 30 minutos pero se prolongo por mas de 1 hora, la niña Carmela para vengarse de sus hermanos se detenía a cada rato discutiendo, refunfuñando, o entraba a alguna tienda para comprar un dulce, un pañuelo, un detalle para regalárselo al día siguiente a su amado Alberto!!!, sus hermanos que conocían muy bien su temperamento optaron por seguirle la corriente y no apurarla, lo importante era sacarla de casa de su novio para evitar habladurías y eso ya lo habian logrado!!!, el par de hermanos celosos pendientes de su hermana menor, no se percataron que unos minutos después de salir de casa de los Medina un siniestro jinete que parecía salido de algún cuento de miedo de esos que contaban los viejos en las cantinas del pueblo las noche de frío con luna llena estuvo siguiéndolos todo el camino sobre los lomos de un caballo tan negro como sus intenciones!!!.


Al jinete negro le gusto la muchacha con solo verla un instante aquella tarde mientras iba sola caminando por las calles del pueblo, en ese momento maldijo su falta de decisión, debió espolear su caballo levantarla de la calle montarla en su grupa y llevársela consigo en ese preciso momento y no esperar a mas tarde, supuso erróneamente que la bella joven se marcharía sola de la casa en la que entro igual que como había llegado!!!, no contaba que al anochecer aparecerían sus hermanos a buscarla, cuando por fin vio entrar a la hermosa joven y a sus hermanos a su casa que queda cerca de la salida del pueblo estuvo mas que satisfecho ya sabía donde vivía, aunque en el pueblo de El Olvido no lo conocía mucha gente Pedro José Flores tendría que ser cuidadoso prefería hacer sus trastadas sin testigos.


De vuelta en la casa de los Medina la cena ya habia terminado, madre e hijo se sentaron en la sala a tomar café y a conversar un rato mas, Antoñito se disculpo dejándolos solos y se retiro, una vez que estuvo solo en su cuarto aseguro muy bien la puerta y cerro bien la ventana antes de comenzar a quitarse la ropa para ir a dormir, antes de acostarse abrió el paquete que había comprando esa tarde en el abasto donde trabajaba, aunque su jefe no permitió que lo pagase, la señora de don Miguel preparaba las tortas y dulces mas sabrosos del pueblo!!!, como no tenía una vela pequeña coloco un cerillo sobre el trozo de pastel, lo encendió, hoy era su cumpleaños numero 21, era la primera vez en su vida que Antoñito celebraba tal fecha sin estar acompañado por ningún miembro de su familia o sus amigos, estaba completamente solo y fuera de su casa, rezo una pequeña oración en voz baja y antes de soplar el cerillo pidió un deseo en voz baja, -quiero regresar a mi pueblo, a mi casa, con mis amigos, quiero mi vida de vuelta!!!-.



*** *** *** VERSION ENGLISH *** *** ***

The loves of Alberto, the girl Carmela and Antoñito [4]

Antoñito took the letter out of his jacket pocket, opened it carefully and began to read carefully, but he didn't look like a lover, but rather one of concern. This was like the rest of the letters he received by carrier pigeon since he arrived in the town of El Olvido. and he lived in the Medina house, it was not from any girlfriend, lover or lover, but from his friend and lawyer. After finishing reading it, he kept it very carefully, hiding it along with the other letters he received from his lawyer regularly. His situation continued to be extremely dangerous. Dr. Acosta informed him that his enemies were still on his trail. If he wanted to free himself from Fierro's clutches, he had to remain hidden. It was not safe to return. He had to continue being very careful, and distrust even his shadow. Finally, He recommended that he stay a few more days in El Olvido until it was safe to return.


Antoñito lay down on his bed to meditate, his situation was still very complicated, things were not looking good at all, it was best to follow Dr. Acosta's advice and not take any unnecessary risks, his conversation with Campitos, the old coachman from the town, friend of His late father would have to wait for his current situation to be resolved!!!, the young man saw the time on his pocket watch, it was still early, he lay down in bed and closed his eyes to take a short nap before dinner, surely mother and son would have many things to tell each other and catch up after almost a year of not seeing each other, -knock, knock!!!-, 30 minutes later Mrs. Altagracia was knocking on her door asking her to come out for dinner with the delicious stew of rabbit that he had prepared, Antoñito put on his old jacket and left his room, when he arrived at the dining room he found himself sitting in the position that had corresponded to him for the time he had been living in the Medina house, the head of the table!!! to Alberto as it could not be otherwise, the engineer stood up to greet him, the two men measured each other for a few seconds while Alberto firmly shook Antoñito's hand.


-Thank you very much Antonio, my mother has told me how attentive and helpful you have been to her the entire time she had been living in our house, I am very grateful that you took care of my mother and helped her in any way you could.

-There is nothing to thank, Mr. Alberto, I am always available for whatever is offered to Doña Altagracia and if I can be useful to you in any way, do not hesitate to ask for my help.

-We are too young to call ourselves sir, you can call me with confidence Antonio.

-Thank you Alberto.

-Well, well, as much as helping me here at home!!! Look how skinny and small Alberto is, he couldn't even lift the new mattress I bought you by himself!!!


-Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!-, the three diners burst into laughter, then Doña Altagracia apologized to Antoñito for the joke, reaffirming to her son that her tenant could be small, skinny and not have much strength physical, but what he did have and what he had was his good heart plus an iron will and his great willingness to do things, he had never said no to something that was asked of him like that, it would cost him work and a lot of effort!!! Sitting at the table tasting his delicious rabbit stew, Alberto Medina took the time to detail the weak tenant of his house, his manners and manners, his way of eating and using the cutlery at the table was that of fine people, he had shared a lot with Joaquín Müller and his family had only seen those table manners in his mother and his little sister Marlene.


Her mother, Mrs. Altagracia, during the good time they were alone talking when she had just arrived home from her trip, had told her about Antoñito, not only about how willful he was and how much he had helped her since she rented a room in the house, He also described the good friendship that had emerged between Antoñito and his future wife, the girl Carmela!!!, after hearing him speak and detailing his fine table manners, she started laughing -hahaha- just like her mother just imagining what There was a possibility that this small, weak man could steal the love of his girl Carmela!!! When his mother and Antoñito asked him what he was laughing about, he justified his laughter by giving an old joke of his university friends as a silly excuse.


After the moment of laughter passed and while dinner continued, Alberto mentally questioned what the girl would see in him. Carmela to a skinny dwarf like Antoñito? Could his pretty girlfriend fall in love with a stranger? Finally, it was answered that there was no way!!! Those impossible loves only occurred in the letters printed on the pages of the great novels or In the cheaper soap opera stories that were bought at the newsstand, they were simply not real.


On the other side of the town, the girl Carmela arrived home escorted by her two brothers Juan José and Juan Rafael, the small trip at a slow pace should not have lasted more than 30 minutes but it lasted for more than 1 hour, the girl Carmela stopped To take revenge on his brothers, he stopped all the time arguing, grumbling, or he went into a store to buy a sweet, a handkerchief, a gift to give to his beloved Alberto the next day!!!, his brothers who knew his temperament very well chose to go along with her and not rush her, the important thing was to get her out of her boyfriend's house to avoid gossip and they had already achieved that!!! The pair of brothers, jealous of their younger sister, did not realize that a few minutes after leaving From the Medinas' house, a sinister rider who seemed to have come out of some scary story the old people told in the town cantinas on cold nights with a full moon followed them all the way on the back of a horse as black as his intentions!!!.


The black rider liked the girl just by seeing her for a moment that afternoon while she was walking alone through the streets of the town, at that moment he cursed his lack of decision, he must have spurred his horse to pick her up from the street, mount her on his rump and take her with him at that moment. precise moment and not waiting until later, he wrongly assumed that the beautiful young woman would leave alone from the house where she entered just as she had arrived!!!, she did not consider that at dusk her brothers would appear to look for her, when she finally saw her enter He took the beautiful young woman and her brothers to his house, which is near the exit of the town. He was more than satisfied. He already knew where he lived, although in the town of El Olvido not many people knew him. Pedro José Flores would have to be careful. He preferred to do his tricks. without witnesses.


Back at the Medina house, dinner had already ended, mother and son sat in the living room to drink coffee and talk for a while longer. Antoñito apologized, leaving them alone and left, once he was alone in his room, he said very He closed the door tightly and closed the window tightly before beginning to take off his clothes to go to sleep. Before going to bed, he opened the package that he had bought that afternoon at the grocery store where he worked, although his boss did not allow him to pay for it. Miguel prepared the tastiest cakes and sweets in town!!!, since he didn't have a small candle, he placed a match on the piece of cake, lit it, today was his 21st birthday, it was the first time in his life that Antoñito celebrated such a date without being accompanied by any member of his family or friends, he was completely alone and outside his house, he said a small prayer in a low voice and before blowing out the match he made a wish in a low voice, -I want to return to my town, To my house, with my friends, I want my life back!!! -.


To be continue...

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