El robo en la casa del director polaco [Segunda Parte]

in blurt-1683810 •  7 months ago 

El robo en la casa del director polaco [Segunda Parte]

Varios días después, se precipitaron los hechos, el viernes 30 enero, esa mañana Joe se encontraba en su casa cuando sonó el timbre del teléfono, el mismo atendió, era la actriz rubia, la joven esposa del director polaco, un desperfecto en su baño ameritaba una urgente resolución, Joe tomo sus aperos abordo su vieja Pickup Ford y condujo hasta Beberly Hills, de vuelta a la casa marcada con el numero 10050 de Cielo Drive, tan solo le tomo unos 30 minutos reparar la fuga de agua en el baño que el pequeño amigo de la casa del polaco no pudo solucionar y que mas bien agravo tratando de repararla, aunque el pago por su trabajo solo fueron 150$ ni la rubia ni el amanerado de su amigo contaban con ese efectivó en sus manos, así que la descuidada actriz cometió la imprudencia de abrir un gabinete de su cuarto revelando la caja fuerte que se ocultaba dentro del mueble, a Joe le saltaron los ojos de sus cuencas!!!, solo habia visto tantos billetes juntos en la televisión o en alguna película, habia tantos fajos de billetes de 100$ en la caja fuerte que calculo que contenía al menos medio millón de dolares quizás un poco mas, la rubia le agradeció con una sonrisa y le pago, Joe salió de la hermosa casa de Beberly Hills mordido por el gusanillo de la codicia.

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Cuando Joe llego a su casa ya era mas del mediodía se tuvo que calentar una comida congelada porque obviamente su esposa no le habia preparado el almuerzo, luego de comer tomo una cerveza del refrigerador y paso por el cuarto de su cuñado que no se encontraba en la casa en esos momentos y tomo uno de sus cigarrillos de los que dan risa, Joe ya no saldría a trabajar mas ese viernes como Handyman ni ningún otro día!!!, porque una idea empezó a tomar fuerza en la cabeza de Joe Smith, ¿que no podría hacer con medio millón de dolares?, pensaba, sería dinero suficiente para por fin abrir su tienda de reparaciones y no tener que seguir trabajando desde su casa como un don nadie como le decia siempre Jane, hasta sobraría lo suficiente para regalarle un bonito auto para callarle la boca, con cada calada al cigarrillo echo en casa Joe no reía si no que estructuraba un plan de acción en su mente, por lo que oyó en la casa del director polaco el hombre seguia de viaje, así que en la casa solo estaban la joven actriz rubia, su pequeño bebe de pocos meses y su amigo amanerado, nada que un par de hombres fuertes, grandes y bien decididos no pudieran controlar, la rubia sabía la combinación de la caja fuerte, ya Joe sabia donde estaba, y el mismo habia instalado el sistema de seguridad y las cámaras de la casa, ademas de conocer el password para desactivarlo!!!, ¿ que tan difícil podría ser robar el medio millón de dolares sin oposición?, ni siquiera habia un perro que ladrara en la casa!!!, el robo sería pan comido pensó, lo mas importante era entrar y salir con el dinero sin lastimar a nadie y luego escapar sin dejar un rastro que permitiera a la policía dar con los ladrones!!!.

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Solo necesitaban entrar a la casa sin activar la alarma del sistema de seguridad, luego atrapar a la rubia y a su pequeño amigo y amenazarlos para que les facilitaran la combinación de la caja!!!, eso no seria de mayor dificultad, el único problema que tenía claro Joe en ese momento era que tanto la rubia como el pequeño hombre ya lo habían visto y oído durante los días que realizo los trabajos en casa del director polaco!!!, si el participaba directamente en el robo podrían reconocerlo facilmente, así que el no podría intervenir alguien mas tendría que cometer el robo!!!, luego de analizar la situación del sistema de seguridad se dio cuenta que si desactivaban las cámaras y el sistema de alarma con la clave de seguridad como pensó hacer en un principio, obviamente el seria el primer sospechoso que buscaría la policía!!!. Ya tenía un plan de acción en su cabeza, solo necesitaba a otro elemento para completar el equipo de dos hombres que efectuaría el robo!!!, porque sin necesidad de preguntárselo ya habia anotado a Ray su mejor amigo como uno de los ladrones. Ray tenía 38 años, era cajero de un banco, atrapado al igual que el en otro matrimonio sin amor, con dos hijos pequeños, debía la hipoteca de su casa y ademas tenía que vivir con la madre de su esposa en casa, Ray y Joe vivían casi que vidas paralelas solo que viéndose desde la casa del frente, quizás esa era la razón de por que los dos hombres se llevaban tan bien y eran tan buenos amigos, disfrutaban de sus momentos con una cerveza y ocasionalmente un cigarrillo de los que te dan risa!!!, -eso es!!!- dijo Joe cuando le daba la última calada a su cigarrillo hecho en casa, Stan su cuñado, el idiota que vivía en su casa sin aportar un centavo!!!, siempre salía con la excusa que no conseguía un buen trabajo y que no podía juntar el dinero suficiente para mudarse, con el dinero que habia dentro de la caja fuerte alcanzaría para que se largara!!!, las perspectivas eran las mejores, Joe sacaba las cuentas, aun dividiendo el dinero en tres partes, alcanzaría para abrir al fin su tienda, ayudar a su amigo Ray a pagar su hipoteca y salir de su suegra, le callaría la boca a su esposa y a su hija que lo consideraban un perdedor!!! y como gran bono al fin se desharía de su cuñado gorrón!!!.

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Joe Smith tomo las llaves de su vieja Pickup Ford y condujo hasta el centro de la ciudad, paso primero por su banco retirando algo de efectivó y luego se paseo por toda el centro de Los Angeles buscando y comprando todo lo que necesitaba para el robo, un par de linternas en una tienda al por mayor, un par de pasamontañas en otra tienda de ropa usada, herramientas nuevas para cortar los cables de las cámaras y el sistema de seguridad de la casa en dos ferreterías, un bolso negro de viaje lo suficientemente grande para cargar con todo el dinero en una tienda por departamentos y por último un viejo y gastado revolver 38 para intimidar a la rubia y a su pequeño amigo amanerado, pero sin balas Joe no quería lastima a nadie, este lo compro luego de visitar varias casas de empeño hasta que halló una atendida por anciano decrepito que lo hizo estar seguro de que no lo reconocerían jamas. Cuando llego a su casa ya eran mas de las 7 calentó su cena, cuando termino de comer le invito unas cervezas a Stan, pero antes le pidió que fuera por unos cuantos de sus cigarrillos a su cuarto, mientras llamaba a Ray por teléfono, a las 9 de la noche luego de varias cervezas y algunos cigarrillos, Joe les pide atención a su mejor amigo y a su cuñado, entonces le dice a Ray:

-Tenias razón el director polaco guarda todo su dinero en su casa dentro de una caja fuerte!!!-, Ray y Stan se miraron las caras, entonces a Stan le brillan los ojos y pregunta:

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-¿De cuanto dinero estamos hablando cuñado?.

-Por lo menos 400 mil dolares, quizás un poco mas!!!-, responde Joe.

-¿Que vamos a hacer Joe?-, pregunta dudoso Ray.

-¿Que otra cosa mas podemos hacer Ray?, vamos a robar la maldita casa del director polaco!!!.

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*** *** *** English Version *** *** ***

The robbery at the Polish director's house [Second Part]

Several days later, the events occurred on Friday, January 30, that morning Joe was at home when the phone bell rang, he answered it, it was the blonde actress, the young wife of the Polish director, a defect in her bathroom warranted An urgent resolution, Joe took his tools aboard his old Ford Pickup and drove to Beverly Hills, back to the house marked with the number 10050 Cielo Drive, it only took him about 30 minutes to repair the water leak in the bathroom that the little friend of the Pole's house could not solve it and rather aggravated it by trying to repair it, although the payment for his work was only $150, neither the blonde nor his effeminate friend had that cash in their hands, so the careless actress made the imprudence of opening a cabinet in her room revealing the safe that was hidden inside the furniture, Joe's eyes popped out of his sockets!!! He had only seen so many bills together on television in a movie, there were so many wads of $100 bills in that safe that I estimated contained at least half a million dollars, maybe a little more, the blonde thanked him with a smile and paid him, Joe left the beautiful house in Beverly Hills bitten by the bug of greed.

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When Joe got home it was already after noon, he had to heat up a frozen meal because obviously his wife had not prepared lunch for him. After eating, he grabbed a beer from the refrigerator and passed by his brother-in-law's room, who was not in. the house at that time and he took one of his funny cigarettes, Joe would no longer go out to work that Friday as Handyman or any other day!!!, because an idea began to take hold in Joe Smith's head, What couldn't he do with half a million dollars? He thought, it would be enough money to finally open his repair shop and not have to continue working from home like a nobody like Jane always told him, there would even be enough left over to give him a gift. a nice car to shut his mouth, with each drag on the cigarette he took at home Joe was not laughing but rather structuring an action plan in his mind, from what the Polish director heard in the house the man was still traveling, so in In the house there was only the young blonde actress, her little baby of a few months and her effeminate friend, nothing that a couple of strong, big and well-determined men couldn't control, the blonde knew the combination to the safe, and Joe already knew where was there, and he himself had installed the security system and the cameras in the house, in addition to knowing the password to deactivate it!!! How difficult could it be to steal half a million dollars without opposition? There wasn't even a dog let him bark in the house!!!, the robbery would be a piece of cake he thought, the most important thing was to enter and leave with the money without hurting anyone and then escape without leaving a trace that would allow the police to find the thieves!!!.

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They only needed to enter the house without activating the security system alarm, then catch the blonde and her little friend and threaten them so that they would provide them with the combination of the safebox!!!, that would not be more difficult, the only problem they had What was clear to Joe at that moment was that both the blonde and the little man had already seen and heard him during the days he did the work at the Polish director's house!!!, if he participated directly in the robbery they could easily recognize him, so He couldn't intervene, someone else would have to commit the robbery!!! After analyzing the situation of the security system, he realized that if they deactivated the cameras and the alarm system with the security code as he originally thought to do, obviously He would be the first suspect the police would look for!!!. He already had an action plan in his head, he just needed another element to complete the two-man team that would carry out the robbery!!!, because without having to ask him he had already listed Ray, his best friend, as one of the thieves. Ray was 38 years old, he was a bank teller, trapped like him in another loveless marriage, with two small children, he owed the mortgage on his house and also had to live with his wife's mother at home, Ray and Joe They lived almost parallel lives only seeing each other from the house across the street, perhaps that was the reason why the two men got along so well and were such good friends, they enjoyed their moments with a beer and occasionally one of the cigarettes they used to give They make you laugh!!!, -that's it!!!- said Joe when he took the last drag on his homemade cigarette, Stan his brother-in-law, the idiot who lived in his house without contributing a cent!!!, he always went out with the excuse that he couldn't get a good job and that he couldn't raise enough money to move, with the money in the safe there would be enough for him to leave!!!, the prospects were the best, Joe did the math, even Dividing the money into three parts, he would be enough to finally open his store, help his friend Ray pay his mortgage and get out of his mother-in-law, he would shut up his wife and daughter who considered him a loser!!!, and as a big bonus he would finally get rid of his freeloader brother-in-law!!!.

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Joe Smith took the keys to his old Ford Pickup and drove to the center of the city, first stopping by his bank to withdraw some cash and then walking around downtown Los Angeles looking for and buying everything he needed for the robbery. a pair of flashlights at a wholesale store, a pair of balaclavas at another used clothing store, new tools to cut the wires for cameras and the home security system at two hardware stores, a black travel bag large enough big to carry all the money in a department store and finally an old and worn out 38 revolver to intimidate the blonde and her little mannered friend, but without bullets Joe didn't want to hurt anyone, he bought this one after visiting several houses pawn until he found one run by a decrepit old man who made him sure he would never be recognized. When he got home it was already after 7, he heated up his dinner, when he finished eating he bought Stan some beers, but first he asked him to go get a few of his cigarettes from his room, while he called Ray on the phone, 9 at night after several beers and some cigarettes, Joe asks his best friend and brother-in-law for attention, then he says to Ray:

-You were right, the Polish director keeps all his money in his house in a safe!!!-, Ray and Stan looked at each other's faces, then Stan's eyes shine and he asks:

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-How much money are we talking about brother-in-law?.

-At least 400 thousand dollars, maybe a little more!!!-, answers Joe.

-What are we going to do, Joe?-, Ray asks doubtfully.

-What else can we do Ray?, We are going to rob the Polish director's damn house!!!.

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To be continue...

Capitulo anterior:
Primera Parte

Relato escrito originalmente en Español, traducido al ingles utilizando Google Traslate.

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  ·  7 months ago  ·  

La codicia no es buena consejera.

Esperemos a ver que pasa en el robo.

  ·  7 months ago  ·  

claro que no, gracias por comentar.