Un paseo de celebración

in blurt-1683810 •  last year 

Un paseo diferente || A different walk





Querido amigo invisible

Cada día que pasa es uno mejor que otro y por ello considero cada día como una oportunidad diferente, luego de tantas tristezas, hoy me dispongo salir de paseo y compartir los lugares lindos que visito mientras doy cada paso. Estas fotografías, forman parte de un paseo que hice y el cual pude disfrutar mucho. Cada vez que salgo sola, siempre siento un poco de miedo porque no puedo evitar pensar que puedo perderme o que llegue la noche y no pueda ver con claridad como regresar. Parece un poco increíble que este diciendo esto, pero son mis emociones.

También puedo compartir que al día de hoy, ya esas emociones se han ido casi todas, porque ahora salgo sola más a menudo y aunque me he perdido, porque el mapa lo entiendo diferente, no ha pasado de eso, de una simple perdida que luego retomo rápidamente para encontrar el camino de regresar a casa. Lo mejor que tiene Buenos Aires es que se puede encontrar cualquier lugar con la aplicación de google map. Igual les comparto que el uso de esta aplicación es prácticamente nueva, porque en Venezuela en realidad ni la había usado. Por ello aquí he podido aprender algunas cosas nuevas interesantes.

Todos estos días en Argentina han sido de evolución, tanto personal como profesional, porque les cuento que me invitaron a trabajar y acepté la propuesta, por ello estoy ayudando a unos amigos con la organización de un congreso, que es por tiempo limitado, pero finalmente es una actividad que disfruto, la de organizar congresos.

Estas fotos son parte del paseo de celebración que tuve, cuando recibí la noticia de que trabajaría en esta organización, y no dudé en compartir esta alegría con mis amigos en la comunidad de Blurt, porque es algo que me hace feliz. Tener la oportunidad de compartir buenas noticias, también permite movilizar energía positiva en esta cadena que tanto me gusta.

Con cariño

English Version

Dear invisible friend
Each day that passes is one better than the other and that is why I consider each day as a different opportunity, after so much sadness, today I am ready to go for a walk and share the beautiful places I visit while I take each step. These photographs are part of a walk I took and which I enjoyed very much. Every time I go out alone, I always feel a little afraid because I can't help but think that I may get lost or that night will come and I won't be able to see clearly how to get back. It seems a little incredible that I'm saying this, but those are my emotions.

I can also share that today, those emotions have almost all gone, because now I go out alone more often and although I have gotten lost, because I understand the map differently, it has not gone beyond that, a simple loss that later I quickly return to find my way back home. The best thing about Buenos Aires is that you can find any place with the Google Maps application. I still share with you that the use of this application is practically new, because in Venezuela I had not actually used it. Therefore, here I have been able to learn some interesting new things.

All these days in Argentina have been ones of evolution, both personal and professional, because I tell you that they invited me to work and I accepted the proposal, which is why I am helping some friends with the organization of a conference, which is for a limited time, but finally It is an activity that I enjoy, organizing conferences.

These photos are part of the celebration walk I had, when I received the news that I would work in this organization, and I did not hesitate to share this joy with my friends in the Blurt community, because it is something that makes me happy. Having the opportunity to share good news also allows us to mobilize positive energy in this chain that I like so much.



Compartan situaciones que los hagan sentir felices, cuenten cómo se sienten. También pueden dejar escrito si se sienten tristes, esta comunidad está para escuchar y apoyarnos entre todos. Son bienvenidos a @newvisionlife


Share situations that make you feel happy, tell how you feel. You can also write if you feel sad, this community is here to listen and support each other. You are welcome to @newvisionlife

Para todos los que me leen, los invito a seguirnos en todas las redes sociales de Blurt, y unirse al reto de vivir feliz sin pensar en la edad, porque todos vamos a envejecer y tú decides cómo llegar a ese capítulo de tu vida. Comparte tu experiencia con nosotros en Blurt, ayuda a otros a cuidar de su salud.

Sigue las cuentas oficiales:

- Historia original // Original story - Fotos: Propias - Cámara: Dispositivo móvil

Blurt eres tú, soy yo, blurt somos todos // Blurt is you, it is me, blurt we are all

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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  ·  last year  ·  

I hope you enjoy the organization of a conference. That's not something I have ever tried. I don't even attend many conferences, actually.
Gooogle maps is a very powerful tool! I use it to learn about places I've never been. But it has other features, which can be useful to us, but cost us a lot of privacy. I wish there was another company that offered a free map with powerful features like Gooogle, but there isn't. So we just have to be careful when we use it, and remember that we are giving it valuable private information about ourselves all the time.

  ·  last year  ·  

Hi, friend. Certainly that is my concern, safety. Because I think that we become dependent on giving our position of everything we do. Actually in Venezuela I never used it, in fact I don't like sharing my location on the phone, I always block that option for my applications, but being in another country, I had no other option but to give in and open my location, because otherwise that's how it is , I lived lost all the time lol. This city is huge and they use Google map for everything.
I love receiving your visits, I think I'll wait for you with coffee and orange cookies for another opportunity lol.

I take this opportunity to tell you what I wanted to propose to you that time we talked, or if you share your email again I'll send it to you, but it's about creating a community here.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Hahaha : D
I always enjoy your comments. Thank you!
We can talk about building a community on Blurt. It could be amazing.

  ·  last year  ·  

😀Yes, I love your good energy, I like your handling of plants and the land, and you are also consistent with your publications and the benefits we have when working the land. I love plants, I have always thought that working the land releases positive energy and we can also fill ourselves with great energy that allows us to achieve wonderful things, not only because of the food it provides us but because of the result of coordinated work and made with love.

I think that those who dedicate themselves to gardening do a labor of love and that is the concept that I would love to share in Blurt, a legacy of love.

Since I arrived here I have met many users and made very nice friends. I have learned from all of them about their countries, I have traveled with them, and I have been able to learn about their stories. I have been visiting your publications for some time and the green, the colors, the vegetables, everything tells a sensitive story that I can feel with your photos and words, I like that type of energy, to invite gardening lovers to write, to promote to Blurt, to invite others to share their experiences, people from whom we can learn, that is not only about money, but that we can create a community of learning and growth based on love for the land and money, and derived This earns coins, it would be a great promotional alliance.

In some of my previous posts you can find an idea that I shared, as a form of motivation and I called it "Project Hope" I tried to share in blurt publications of projects where they wrote about nature issues, environmental protection, projects that involve helping to others, but all about protecting the environment. For example, how to clean beaches, plant different crops to help communities, urban gardening as a way to give life to the land in the cement jungle. All this with the idea of sharing love from Blurt to the world. But, I share this with you as general information.

In short, because I think I made a post about this comment lol, I am inviting you to create a gardening community between the two of us and fill Blurt with flowers and good fruits.

We can also share that coffee and cake because it already made me hungry. I love the world where you can find friends from another part of the world and share the same energy and ideas.

I hope my translator helps me in this pleasant conversation and I don't say crazy things lol.
Good vibes.😜

  ·  last year  ·  

Oh thanks for the warning, I didnt realize this!

  ·  last year  ·  

What a nice place to have your morning or afternoon walk! It seems that you wouldn't feel alone with this kind of environment because it looks like it brings good vibes.

Sadness can't be avoided but it is up to us on how we manage or deal with the situation. For me, I always look at yhe brighter side of the situation so I wouldn't feel so down. I hope this tip can help for those who are feeling lonely.♥️

  ·  last year  ·  

It is certainly always important to look at the positive side of things, because we always learn.
I am happy to say to you here.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks to Google haha. I also experienced being lost in the desert 5 of us actually, that was in 2013. Thanks to Samsung and Google, my Samsung galaxy S4 helped us get back home. I think that's the first Samsung smartphone that has GPS(even offline) because it worked without the net or even data when we were in the desert or lese there's no @g10a now haha.

I feel you, as an overseas worker, solitude is always the opponent to deal with. Thankfully, social media helps us to feel near to our loved ones. For almost 8 years working abroad, I slowly learned how to battle emptiness, anxiety and depression.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  last year  ·  

I agree with you, loneliness has to be learned to control it, because it is not so bad, it's just that in excess maybe it can cause a little damage. It is a pleasure to welcome you and greet you again. You are always welcome to share orange cookies and a coffee.
Good vibes

  ·  last year  ·  

Why are your photographs so beautiful? Because you are a tasteful person, I like your photography a lot, thanks for sharing a beautiful moment with us.🥀

  ·  last year  ·  

I'm glad you like it, you're welcome anytime.

  ·  last year  ·  


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  ·  last year  ·  


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