The power of self-worth

in blurt-148706 •  3 months ago 


Self esteem as people I would like to note is the foundation of well being. It is the self recognition of one’s worth without referencing success and accomplishments that may come our way.

Recognizing one’s own value is one of the most liberating things a person can do in society today.


It is a painful truth that life is full of difficulties, failures and if not setbacks, then significant obstacles. However, the perception of self-worth negatively moderates these adversities among the survivors. Self worth helps you to perceive challenges in the right perspective hence ability to pull through them. It’s possible that you don’t get things right on the first try and this possibility does not make you think that you are incompetent. This resilience is important in managing the crises in live and being mentally and emotionally healthy.

This is due to the reason that self-worth rocks the foundation of your relationships to the extent that all relationships are influenced by this aspect. If one is included into this society and knows the value of his/herlife, he/she won’t allow him/herself to be a victim of these types of disrespect in his/her relationships. The ways to maintain self-respect include creating specific personal rules, using proper words, searching for people to surround yourself with that will appreciate you. On the other hand, low self-esteem would mean that people will always be in toxic relationships their worth is always being denied.

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