Thanks to everybody that participated in the just concluded contest. Their blurts has been sent to their respective accounts.
Today's contest would be titled comment your mind
You are to write about what or how you feel.
Wow! Once again, thank you for this great opportunity.
I have really excelled in my talent as a writer, since I joined cywrise.
I'm going to caption this poem with the title 'Beyond the Barriers'. It actually explains my feelings today. It's new and not yet posted. So, I hope my secret is safe with you guys. Thanks for reading and experiencing your own feelings as inspired by mine. Love you all.
Beyond the Barriers'
So I steered and steered
Till I feared for the spear.
So I rolled and rolled
Till I feared for the stick
So I struck and struck
Till I fear for the stone
For my heart was guarded
But not with a spare
For my heart was pillared
But not with a stick
For my heart was layered
But not with a stone
Congratulations 2 blurts has been sent to your wallet.
The presence of God is the antidote for a heavy and a clouded heart
Congratulations you have received 2blurts. Thanks for participating