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I will never trust an ai - something that is controlled by the moneyed psychopaths - to "fact check."  I had a decent convo with Grok, but when I returned, it did not remember.  Why should I trust such a thing???

My Grok exchange:

Why Am I Shadow Banned on X?  (article):

I will never trust an ai

same here, it's good for mathematical calculations or writing code, but when it comes to infromation, AI will be the new global “censor - fact checker” that will make sure that only the “right narrative” reaches people

  ·  18 days ago  ·  

exactly like that. I wrote about it two years ago when AI appeared:

AI unfortunately probably has one of the greatest potentials to implement the highest quality sophisticated censorship for us. So far, Censorship has been carried out on the level of blocking content or distorting facts. Now it can be extended to such a well-thought-out, elaborate strategy that the machine can manipulate the interlocutor in such a sophisticated way that after some time, they can be convinced of anything. It is enough, knowing the human psyche and the ways of acquiring beliefs, to teach it the appropriate strategy for talking to the interlocutor on topics that we want to manipulate.


  ·  18 days ago  ·  

A powerful AI will fact-check before an information is sent is truly amazing because it will be fast and spreading of lies will get cut before it get sent as Grok says, #amazeballs.

How the hell is a computer program supposed to know what is true and what is not in the real world? I'll give you a hint, Elon Musk will decide that

  ·  18 days ago  ·  

I understand that in your opinion AI cannot be trained in such a way that it plays the same role as the fact checkers from FB back then, only more ruthlessly and faster?

  ·  18 days ago  ·  

Fact check is a great feature. So many misinformation on X if not outright lies.

Surely “digital gulag ”is the future, this is what the elites want