What do you think is the best strategy with fees?

in blurt-143557 •  3 months ago 

What do you think is the best strategy with fees?

Generally i wonder recently about fees on blurt and i see five sensible solutions:

  • Very expensive process of account creations for example few dollars, medium fees for kb and low Operation Flat Fee.

  • Very expensive account creation, very low operation flat fee and very expensive fee for bandwidth
    Very expensive account creations and very low operation fe and bandwidth fee.

  • low account creation fees, low operation fees and expensive bandwidth

Every solution has it's advantages and disadvantages:

For example high price of account creation on the very beginning filters those who thinking about blogging here seriously, from those who just want to spam or try. However, it can also scare people who don't know what blurt is but if they try it they will become its best users,

Low fees for bandwidth make it worth spamming. On the other hand, some people count every penny at the beginning.

In turn, high transaction fees discourage especially new people with low VP from voting, but on the other hand prevent profits from the voting circle, at least for people with small funds.

I invite you to discuss what you think about it and what solutions you see from your perspective.

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I do not see any problem with the fees, if you are not a spammer then blurtbooster will repay you for all fees

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Agreed - at least under the current system, fees are not a problem except for very minimal accounts (close to 0 BLURT) that bring junk content. Most users can for the most part ignore fees, or at least not change their blockchain usage/behaviour too much because of them. I like paying most fees, for example fees that actually pay for something to be done (host image, upload content to the blockchain etc). Fees that are mostly meant to modify behaviour are sometimes okay, sometimes bs.

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Yes i know, just rather thinking about fees strategy for witness. Im wondering what people thinking about that topic is maybe minor topic but good topic for start some discussions on discussion forum to breath little life to this place ;)

  ·  10 days ago  ·  

En realidad, tengo dos años en Blurt o tres, no recuerdo bien y no tenía conocimiento de esta información. Muchas gracias por el aporte. Shalom 🌹

  ·  3 months ago  ·  


Very expensive process of account creations for example few dollars, medium fees for kb and low Operation Flat Fee.

Yes, then run the operation like open warfare for clicks on frontends... there should be 20 different regular url web frontends like PeakD and eccency back in the day. Turf competition for communities and PEOPLE who would rather publish openly or privately through something other than IG, Metta, x, and the Like. Image hosting could be ONE useful "Service" that users "Pay" for through their use of the base token.

WAY Back when, google used to have a great "Dashboard" that you could log into to view the web... today, it seems like tech companies have closed a lot of these "windows" that chains like BLURT could be opening up.

Look, I'm just a sci-fi writer...
I already GOT what I needed off this thinQ 8 Years ago. A $15 Published Crypto-graphicNovel is a great Base to Start with. I only hope that it gets me that Phone Call I always wanted with Justin Sun. So that I can Sacrifice hive for the Greater Good of BLURT!

🤬 🥓

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Personally, I don't think we should raise fees.

Now, if we must, I think increasing the fees on bandwidth is the way to go.

  • Penalizing new account creations can work in the short term but I don't think it's a sustainable solution.

  • Penalizing transactions (if I understand correctly) will discourage voting, following, unfollowing, etc)

  • Penalizing bandwidth (if I understand correctly) may prioritize longer content and incentivize people to create better posts.

If the goal is to increase the quality of the posts, then bandwidth may be the way to go.

  ·  3 months ago  ·  

Penalizing bandwidth (if I understand correctly) may prioritize longer content and incentivize people to create better posts.

here's a point for you :) thanks for your opinion