RE: Drying Herbs From The Yard

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Drying Herbs From The Yard

in blurt-136852 •  14 days ago 

Isn't it amazing what comes up wild, even in a tiny yard?! The bees love wildflowers more than cultivated, I am convinced. I let dandelion go wherever it will, and just pull up the ones that are in the way. I have so many bees and birds since I started doing this! Every single part of that plant is edible. Some part is available everywhere in the world, and nearly all year long.

So probably to the dismay of my neighbors, I let any medicinal plant grow wherever it wants to, and only interfere with their spread if they endanger something else. I have dandelion, violet, plantain, cleavers, wood sorrel, clovers, mustards, ramps, chickweed, and those are the ones I can rattle off. Out there are many more medicinal and edible plants. I can forage in my own back yard. We've been so stupid about the natural world and that it is there in part to nourish us. That we nourish them is an illusion.

It must be lovely to finally have a yard, no matter how small. Every moment you spend out there is love love love. I'm very happy for you! For us all!

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This move was the smartest thing we've done in awhile for sure.