when it come to owning a pet, it wasn't really a thing to me back in the days since no one in our compound own one and most animals I do see (cats or dogs) are stray without owners, roaming around the street just to fend for themselves, at time I do wonder how someone will own a pet and let it roam about because they can't take care of it. All this didn't make me like having pet. There was a day I was running to school because I woke up late, my mind was really occupied that day and I didn't notice 3 dangerous dogs on the way, when they sighted me, they stood up at alert and I stopped immediately when I saw them, before I know they chased me and I ran back to where I was coming from while shouting on top of my voice, I kinda of hate dogs since that day.
Things change when a friend of mine got a caucasian and german shepherd dogs because she love animals, she even have a cat which was the main terrorist in the house, doesn't stay one place, always jumping up and down except when it is hungry and immediately you feed it, another round of trouble will start again, the day the dogs entered the house, the trouble tripled, it was kind of jealous since the main attention is now shift to the new dog pets. I was scared of them at first even as a puppy until I start feeding them, the more you care for them, the more they start liking you. I love the caucasian more though because it was more playful and somehow the german shepard always feel jealous. Living with dogs and cat for a long while made me know the different between both of them somehow. Cat are territorial especially when they sight dogs and trouble will start.
Dogs are more friendly, can be use for security purpose among other things and that is one major reason I will always choose a dog over a cat