When your charge your clients more money you gain yourself profit which is at a result of delivering better experience, and when you deliver better experience you get positive feedback. This produces testimonials from your clients which in turn attracts more customers. This is a positive cycle. Rather than talking with cheap clients who don't appreciate you, even though you go the extra mile for them but they are still not happy.
The worst part with stressing over cheap clients is because they don't refer because you lack enough margin to deliver better experience to them. Many of entrepreneurs deprive themselves from making more money simply because of charging their clients cheaper. One thing you need to understand when dealing with your clients is that they don't need something basic and cheap. What they really need is something that works.
They want to know that if they are releasing a large sum of money for a particular service or product for something that will serve them or not. It like the case of a surgeon and the patient. The patient doesn't need something that is cheap but something that will work well for him. He wants something that is proven. Everybody wants something that is proven.
If you are certain of delivering the results that your clients so desire, then do not be afraid to charge for it. But if you cannot deliver the results then work better so that you can deliver the results.