Abigail isn't your typical horror movie. I mean I went in expecting the psychological thriller super scary horror movie but I was pleasantly surprised because this is a different take on the Dracula's daughter story. So yeah it's part of the universal monster universe but also a standalone film in a way.
Now, like I said I went in thinking this would be one of those super scary horror movies you know the old-timey horror movies and yes it does keep the class and the effects of the old-timey horror movies but it takes it to a more campy kind of stands like the 80s but also it modernizes it to be like the horror movies we've seen the last couple of years like from the conjuring or Annabelle.
This movie is actually what makes it phenomenal Melissa Pereira is my scream queen she really did
an amazing job with a role in this movie. Being this gruesome gory figure, you know what comes out and just slays people and if you're a little squeamish for blood, then this movie definitely isn't for you because there is a lot of blood in cuts and I really mean a lot of blood and cuts especially in the third deck.
The filmmakers even said this is the
most blood they've ever used in a movie. Back to the acting, Catherine Newton, Stevens Kevin and Angus Cloud all did an amazing job. Angus Cloud really was super fun in this movie and yeah
it's unfortunate that he's gone and he will not see the finished product but I enjoyed his performance.
I enjoyed every single performance in this movie. Giancarlo Espacito only has a small role, it's more like a glorified cameo and the story itself was not too extravagant and it's easy to follow it doesn't really scream great movie but because of the set pieces because of the acting it really just elevates this movie. Like I said I'm not much of a horror fan but this is my type of horror movie.
It's fun and it reminds me of the 80s. It reminds me of earlier horror movies and it also has a touch of modern horror to it. So if you are a fan of horror movies you should definitely make a plan to go check this movie out. If you like campy movies then this is also for you.