Empathy is sharing someone's soul with them and seeing the world through their experience, their emotions, their perspectives, and it's a beautiful thing. Authenticity is about allowing other people to see you. And when you grow in authenticity and grow in empathy, your frequency moves toward its highest level. And when your frequency is at its highest level this makes room for the possibility of Human connection. We believe in ourselves more when people believe in us.
Another thing that we should take really seriously that can really go a far way to helping us is by paying attention to what you're saying to yourself. And you cannot connect to other people if you don't deal with the health of your soul. You have to find a way to get rid of the toxic emotions that destroy you, like bitterness and anger and jealousy, whatever they may be in your life.
You're not going to live your life connecting to people at a deeply human level if you can't even connect to yourself. You are totally wrong to think that you are free because you found perfection, or because you live up to all your ideals. You are free because you don't expect yourself to be perfect.