The mind serves as a major role of dependence for ease and perfection. The degree by which we harness our conscious mind helps us bring certain our creativity which is conceived in our world within to reality which is our world without.
The conscious mind also plays a very crucial role as well in the area of reasoning. It is a faculty in the mind where we find discrimination. It doesn't just accept whatever it's faced with. It does things out of its own fill. It has a choice and makes decisions based on it.
The subconscious, on the other hand, is quite enormous in the results it produces. It brings about guidance to us, it brings warning to us. The vital processes which is overall controlled by the subconscious. It serves at the seat by which the memory seats on. It accepts whatever is impressed on it by the conscious.
Charles F. Haanel puts it in these exact words:
“Conscious mind is reasoning will. Subconscious mind is instinctive desire, the result of past reasoning will.”
The conscious is more of the selective faculty of the mind, while the subconscious accepts whatever is been decided by the conscious. In order to get the subconscious to manifest we need to mentally state what is needed. By the reason of doing this, forces will set in motion which will bring about the results as long as the desire is in harmony with our conscious.
See you guys next time.