I went into this movie with a mindset that inside out was a near perfect movie. It's one of the best movies that came out of Pixar Studios. It adds this beautiful story that probably all of us can relate to. It kind of made you feel like your emotions are valid. And the second movie picks up not long after the first movie.
It introduces a few new emotions. Emotions that I bet a lot of us felt as teenagers and that we all still feel today. So, well, I didn't think a sequel was necessary. I do appreciate this movie a little more after watching it. It's a really, really good follow-up on inside out. While it wasn't totally necessary, I do think it's an important movie with a great story that a lot of people can relate to.
As much as I liked the movie, I do feel like there are some creative choices or writing choices that could have been a little different that would have elevated the movie a little more. But that said, I don't really have any critique for this movie. It's not as perfect or as great as the first one. But it's still good enough to exist.
But I do think it's a movie that a lot of people will love. A lot of people will find some solace in or it kind of makes you feel like people understand you. What you're going through, especially as a teenager or someone who suffers from diseases like depression or anxiety. There was a really wonderful scene where Riley has a panic attack. In that moment, it felt like an actual anxiety attack. What it feels like when you have a panic attack.
Even the way the emotions will portray during that scene, it kind of feels like what's going on in your head during such an attack. The new emotions just really fit the progression of Riley as a character. The film progresses from taking her from a child to a teenager. I do think that a third movie might actually be a beautiful conclusion to all these emotions though and seeing other emotions come to life sort of in Riley's head.
Inside out is definitely one of my top three Pixar movies. A movie that I've re-watched multiple times and I will definitely still rewatch. It might not be top 10 or so Pixar or actually it might be.
The story is one that hits a little close to home even though I'm not a hockey player.
But the emotions is something that I can definitely relate to even as an adult.
The other new characters like there are a few cool, funny, cameo characters that just stand out.
There's a character that makes you think of Final Fantasy. And there's a character that's like a combination of Mickey Mouse and Torre de Explorer, which is also, it provides a lot of entertainment. So yeah, Pixar movies might be animated movies and seem like they are marketed towards kids.But I do think as adults as parents or anybody else can relate to these stories or these characters in this movie.
I see it as an important form that tells an important story of just finding yourself believing in yourself and just finding purpose in life and everything you do. The voice acting is brilliant.
It's under an hour and a half, basically.
But I do think it does tell its story beautifully in such a short amount of time.