How Bad Could It Be?

in blurt-131902 •  2 days ago 

I lost my way on blurt and is trying to come back and although am not expecting much of a welcome back the least is to see that there are some actual changes around here.

ask-4394130_1280.jpgImage by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

The only thing that changed on blurt is the voting and commenting system, everyone hates AI but acts like one, I mean why will you upvote a post without reading it anyways it's fine and i've had my fall on this platform but hey am back and I've had talks with some blurtians on their amazing ideas to change the blurtospere.

Since we now have communities, I feel its time to also make amends and see where we can take this platform to before the end of the year, like I always say there is more to blurt than just writing and if things go as planned we will attract investors from around the world who will be willing to just but the token and hold without actually writing to earn.

Last night I did a couple of research to understand that blurt is actually worth investing in and also the blurt team also need to up their marketing strategy, I mean you can pay developers, writers and more about a 100k blurts and you don't wanna stake out like 300k - 500k for marketing and promotion?

Well I guess I'll have to write this one on my next article coming blurt needs more exposure and am just the right person for this job here in port harcourt, I know where to look into and where to hit to get blurt busy and back on track. As for now I'll be supporting people I can who also have plans and visions like the @chesshub Africa initiative and others I will be getting myself into.

I really Happy to be back on blurt.

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