Tertangkap Karena Judi Online - Caught For Online Gambling

in blurt-131902 •  3 months ago 


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Sebetulnya mau nulis agak malas juga sih, tapi kalau nggak dipaksa begini ya rasanya malah nanti akhirnya saya jadi terlalu lama untuk vakum menulis di Hive. Jadi malah akhirnya tambah parah rasa malas ini kalau tidak dilawan rasa malas menulis ini.

Setelah melalui perenungan lama, sebenarnya saya baru menyadari kalau saya ini bukanlah seorang penulis tapi malah bermimpi jadi penulis. Ha...ha...!

Jadi begini saja daripada saya ngelantur saya akan bercerita mengenai pengalaman pribadi yang saya sendiri alami. Begini ceritanya, beberapa hari yang lalu, ibu kawan saya tiba-tiba menjelang tengah malam menelepon saya.

"Pak Phoenix, ini saya Wowon ibunya Wawan tadi saya dikasih nomornya sampeyan sama Lala."

Saya pun menjawab, "Inggih bu, piye ada apa?"

"Anu pak, Wawan dicakup polisi waktu grebekan di Warkop."

"Lah.....! Piye tah bu?", Saya pun terkaget-kaget mendengar hal tersebut.

"Kena judi online pak, sekarang sudah dikantor polisi.", Terdengar dari nadanya sang ibu Wawan, sangat mengkuatirkan keadaan anaknya.

"Polisinya minta uang damai tiga puluh juta, aduh darimana uang sebesar itu pak!", nada suara ibu Wawan terdengar meninggi.

Saya pun terdiam sejenak karena kaget ternyata masih ada oknum-oknum polisi yang masih bermain dalam dunia hukum untuk mencari keuntungan. Akhirnya saya hanya bisa menenangkannya dan tidak bisa memberikan solusi yang sesuai harapannya.

Saya cuma berpikir beginikah, mental oknum-oknum polisi negeri kita, kalaupun mereka masih mau memakai nurani. Mereka tak akan bertindak seperti itu, kalaupun mau membantu, meereka tinggal melakukan pembinaan ataupun diselesaikan secara sosial, misalnya memanggil keluarganya atau kerabatnya untuk melakukan pengawasan atas tingkah laku selanjutnya. Bila perlu diberikan sanksi sosial, kalaupun mau menegakkan hukum secara tegas, tinggal proses saja sesuai prosedur yang mengedepankan kemanusiaan. (hpx)


I feel a bit lazy to write, but if I don't force myself like this, I feel like I'll take too long to write in Hive. So, in the end, this laziness will get worse if I don't fight this laziness to write.

After much contemplation, I just realized that I'm not a writer but dream of becoming one. Ha...ha...!

So, instead of rambling, I'll tell you about a personal experience that I myself experienced. Here's the story, a few days ago, my friend's mother suddenly called me near midnight.

"Mr. Phoenix, this is Wowon, Wawan's mother, Lala gave me your number."

I answered, "Yes ma'am, what's happened?"

"Well sir, Wawan was caught by the police during a raid at Warkop."

"Lah.....! What's wrong ma'am?", I was shocked to hear that.

"Caught in online gambling, sir, now he's at the police station.", Wawan's mother's tone was heard, very worried about her son's condition.

"The police asked for thirty million in peace money, oh where did that much money come from, sir!", Wawan's mother's tone of voice sounded high.

I was silent for a moment because I was shocked that there were still police officers who were still playing in the legal world to seek profit. Finally, I could only calm her down and could not provide a solution that met her expectations.

I just thought, is this the mentality of our country's police officers, even if they still want to use their conscience. They will not act like that, even if they're going to help, they only need to provide guidance or resolve it socially, for example calling their family or relatives to supervise their further behavior. If necessary, social sanctions are given, even if they want to enforce the law firmly, just process it according to procedures prioritizing humanity. (hpx)

Note : Translation tool using Google Translate.

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