Fly Over Aloha A year Ago - Jembatan Aloha Setahun Lalu

in blurt-131902 •  2 months ago 

Jembatan Aloha2.JPG

Focal length 135 mm, 1/500 s, F 6,3

Saya mengambil foto-foto ini pada tahun lalu, kapan tepatnya kurang tahu. Waktu itu pembangunan jembatan Aloha atau dikenal juga Fly Over Aloha sudah selesai sekitar sembilan puluh lima persen dan sedang pada tahap finishing.

I took these photos last year, I don't know exactly when. At that time the construction of the Aloha Bridge or also known as the Aloha Flyover was about ninety-five percent complete and was in the finishing stage.

Terlihat para pekerja sedang melakukan inspeksi di atas jembatan tersebut dan kondisi jembatan saat itu sepi dan tidak ada kendaraan umum yang melintas kecuali terkait dengan kendaraan teknis dan operasional kontraktor pembangun jembatan. Saya sengaja membuat foto-foto ini dengan mode hitam putih, agar supaya kesan keheningannya terasa. (hpx)

It was seen that workers were conducting an inspection on the bridge and the condition of the bridge at that time was quiet and no public vehicles were passing by except for technical and operational vehicles belonging to the bridge construction contractor. I deliberately took these photos in black and white mode, so that the impression of silence can be felt.(hpx)

Jembatan Aloha.JPG

Focal length 26 mm, 1/800 s, F 6,3

Garis divider.png

Logo happyphoenix 2024.png

Camera Translation tool
Canon M50 Google Translate
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