Aku Yang Menanggungnya - I Am the One Who Bears It.

in blurt-131902 •  6 months ago 

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Beberapa hari ini saya agak sibuk disebabkan adanya orderan pekerjaan. Pekerjaan itu dibidang jasa, dan saya mendapatkannya dari seorang teman lama yang bernama Adi (bukan nama asli). Ia mengajak saya untuk membantunya karena kewalahan mengerjakannya sendiri.

Ia sudah mengerjakan pekerjaan itu terlebih dahulu, kurang lebih satu hari lebih awal sebelum saya diajak bergabung. Total pekerjaan itu memakan waktu dua hari, dan saya membantunya di hari kedua.

Dalam pekerjaan tersebut saya juga mengajak kawan perempuan bernama Ani (bukan nama asli) dan Adi pun menyetujuinya. Nilai uang imbalan jasa pekerjaan jasa tersebut adalah dua juta lima ratus ribu Rupiah (bukan jumlah sebenarnya), dan kami setuju untuk melakukannya pekerjaan itu dengan atas nama badan usaha milik Ani.

Singkat cerita, pekerjaan tersebut selesai dan ternyata sesuai target, akan tetapi si Pelanggan ternyata tidak bersedia membayar sesuai janjinya dan hanya mau membayar sebesar satu juta lima ratus ribu Rupiah. Alhasil kami keberatan dan meminta si Adi untuk meminta kekurangannya, tapi pelanggan bersikeras tidak mau memberikannya.

Akhirnya kami menerima pembayaran tersebut walaupun terpaksa, dan hasil pembayaran dibagi secara rata dan masing-masing mendapatkan lima ratus ribu Rupiah. Sebenarnya dengan pembayaran dengan sejumlah itu kami tidak mengalami kerugian.

Cuma diantara kami bertiga ternyata si Ani baru menyatakan keberatan setelah sehari pekerjaan selesai. Ia minta agar dibayar sesuai kesepakatan yang telah ditentukan, dan minta bagian bayarannya secara penuh. Kalau dihitung kisaran delapan ratus lima puluh ribu Rupiah.

"Aku nggak mau dibayar lima ratus ribu," kata Ani dengan nada agak keras.

"Lah... pelanggannya cuma mau bayar segitu!" Aku menjawabnya begitu.

"Aku mau tahu, pokoknya minta dibayar penuh!" Ia tetap bersikeras untuk dibayar penuh.

"Kalian menggunakan nama badan usahaku, tapi dibayar tidak penuh, itu sama saja melecehkan aku!"

Ani berkata begitu karena ia merasa dilecehkan harga dirinya, ia beranggapan bahwa harga sesuai kesepakatan harus tetap dipenuhi apalagi kami menggunakan nama badan usaha milik Ani untuk menerima pekerjaan itu.

"Aku tetap minta dibayar penuh, nggak mau tahu, bila perlu Adi yang bertanggung jawab atas kekurangan bagianku!"

Ani masih tetap bersikeras untuk dibayar penuh bagian pembayaran untuk dirinya.

Akhirnya aku berkata pada Adi, dan dia berkata, "Waduh dia kok perhitungan begitu, tahu begitu nggak usah diajak gabung.". Mendengar tanggapan Adi, membuat aku merasa bersalah karena mengajak dia untuk bergabung mengerjakan pekerjaan itu.

Akhirnya aku bicara kepada Adi biar aku yang menanggung kekurangan bagian pembayaran untuk Ani. Aku tidak tega membebankan kekurangan uang Ani kepada Adi, karena Adi sudah bekerja lebih dari satu hari lebih lama dari aku dan Ani. Tak lama segera aku transfer tiga ratus lima puluh ribu Rupiah ke rekening milik Ani dan aku katakan kalau itu dari Adi.

Akupun menghela napas sebentar dan segera mensyukuri sisa bagianku yang sebesar seratus lima puluh ribu itu. Aku hanya berpikir jangan sampai karena uang tidak seberapa pertemanan akhirnya bubar. Terlebih lagi aku mendapatkan pelajaran kalau lain kali mengajak orang lain untuk bekerjasama, aku harus mempertimbangkan baik-baik resiko ke depannya. (hpx)

English Translation

I have been quite busy these past few days due to a job order. The job was in the service sector, and I got it from an old friend named Adi (not his real name). He invited me to help him because he was overwhelmed doing it alone.

He had already done the job about a day before I was invited to join. The total work took two days, and I helped him on the second day.

In the job I also invited a female friend named Ani (not her real name) and Adi agreed. The value of the service fee was two million five hundred thousand Rupiah (not the actual amount), and we decided to do the job under the name of Ani's business entity.

Long story short, the job was completed and turned out to be on target, but the Customer was unwilling to pay according to his promise and only wanted to pay one million five hundred thousand Rupiah. As a result, we objected and asked Adi to ask for the remainder, but the customer insisted on not giving it.

Finally, we accepted the payment even though we were forced to, and the payment results were divided equally and each received five hundred thousand Rupiah. Actually, with that amount of payment, we did not experience any loss.

Only between the three of us, it turned out that Ani only expressed her objection after the work was finished one day. She asked to be paid according to the agreement that had been determined and asked for her share of the payment in full. If calculated, it was around eight hundred and fifty thousand Rupiah.

"I don't want to be paid five hundred thousand," said Ani in a rather loud tone.

"Well... the customer only wants to pay that much!" I answered her that way.

"I want to know, just ask for full payment!" She still insisted on being paid in full.

"You are using my business name, but not paying in full, that's the same as insulting me!"

Ani said that because she felt her self-esteem was being insulted, she thought that the agreed price must still be met, especially since we used Ani's business name to accept the job.

"I still ask for full payment, I don't want to know, if necessary Adi will be responsible for the shortfall in my share!"

Ani still insisted on being paid in full for her share of the payment.

Finally, I said to Adi, and he said, "Wow, he's calculating like that, if I had known he wouldn't have asked me to join." Hearing Adi's response made me feel guilty for inviting him to join in doing the job.

Finally, I talked to Adi so that I would cover the remaining payment for Ani. I couldn't bear to burden Adi with Ani's remaining money, because Adi had worked more than a day longer than me and Ani. Not long after, I transferred three hundred and fifty thousand Rupiah to Ani's account and I said that it was from Adi.

I took a deep breath and immediately gave thanks for the remaining one hundred and fifty thousand. I just thought that my friendship would not end because of a small amount of money. Moreover, I learned that the next time I invite someone else to work together, I have to carefully consider the risks in the future. (hpx)

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