Dua hari yang lalu ketika saya sedang dalam perjalanan pulang dan saat itu sedang melewati sebuah warung bakso prasmanan di daerah Krian, Sidoarjo,tepatnya di depan kantor Samsat Krian. Tipe warung bakso yang saat ini sedang ngetren yaitu warung bakso prasmanan dengan harga terjangkau tapi diperbolehkan mengambil sepuasnya.
Two days ago when I was on my way home and at that time I was passing a meatball buffet stall in the Krian area, Sidoarjo, precisely in front of the Krian Samsat office. The type of meatball stall that is currently trending is a meatball buffet stall with affordable prices but is allowed to take as much as you like
Walaupun begitu begitu setelah saya mampir dan mencoba makanan serta suasana warung bakso tersebut, ternyata ada aturannya ya! Aturan yang saya ingat adalah boleh mengambil sepuasnya asal baksonya tidak boleh jatuh dari mangkok, harus dimakan habis atau kena denda, serta setelah mengambil bakso terakhir atau jenis makanan selanjutnya, pelanggan tidak boleh kembali ke rak makanan sebelumnya.
Even so, after I stopped by and tried the food and atmosphere of the meatball stall, it turns out there are rules! The rules that I remember are that you can take as much as you like as long as the meatballs don't fall out of the bowl, you have to finish eating or you will be fined, and after taking the last meatball or the next type of food, customers are not allowed to return to the previous food rack.
Pada waktu itu tempatnya cukup ramai dan tersedia parkiran motor yang lumayan luas serta ada hiburan live dari para biduanita lokal, walaupun suaranya nggak merdu amat tapi lumayanlah buat hiburan sambil menemani makan. Harga bakso tersebut seharga lima belas ribu Rupiah kalau dihitung dengan kurs US DOllar ya cuma satu dolar doang. Secara rasa, ya begitulah namanya bakso murah meriah, biasa-biasa saja, tapi kalau dibuat untuk penganjal perut atau untuk mentraktir teman-teman kita cukup layak lah. (hpx)
Even so, after I stopped by and tried the food and atmosphere of the meatball stall, it turns out there are rules! The rules that I remember are that you can take as much as you like as long as the meatballs don't fall out of the bowl, you have to finish eating or you will be fined, and after taking the last meatball or the next type of food, customers are not allowed to return to the previous food rack. (hpx)

Note : Translation tool using Google Translate.