Yesterday, I rode my electric motorcycle through the Gedangan intersection. As the train passed, the gates automatically lowered, temporarily halting the traffic until the train cleared the area.
Kemarin, saya mengendarai sepeda motor listrik melewati perempatan Gedangan. Saat kereta api lewat, palang pintu otomatis diturunkan, menghentikan sementara lalu lintas hingga kereta api meninggalkan area tersebut.
At that same time, the silver man came up and stood in front of the rider, near the gates, in a salute position. Luckily, I had taken my smartphone before he stood there, so I could take a picture of him. First, I wanted to photograph the train, not him. (hpx)
Pada saat yang sama, manusia perak itu muncul dan berdiri di depan pengendara itu, dekat gerbang, dalam posisi memberi hormat. Untungnya, saya sudah mengambil ponsel pintar saya sebelum dia berdiri di sana, jadi saya bisa memotretnya. Pertama, saya ingin memotret kereta itu, bukan dia.(hpx)
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