Nasi Lento - Indonesian Traditional Food

in blurt-131902 •  4 months ago 

Nasi Lento, one Indonesian Traditional Food, is mostly found on Sidoarjo City, East Java, Indonesia. This food consists of Vegetables cooked in coconut milk, tempe, tofu, and lento (Sidoarjo traditonal food made from tempe)

Nasi Lento, salah satu makanan traditional Indonesia, terdiri dari lodeh manisa, tempe, lento (olahan tempe) dan dadar jagung.

It can be said that this food is suitable for vegans or vegetarians because the ingredients do not contain animal meat. By the way, I took a photo of this food when I was trying it a few weeks ago at a stall at the end of the Jenggolo Sidoarjo flyover.

Boleh dikatakan makanan ini cocok bagi para vegan atau vegetarian, karena bahan-bahannya tidak mengandung daging hewani. Omong-omong makanan ini saya foto ketika sedang mencoba makanan ini beberapa minggu lalu di sebuah warung yang berada di ujung jembatan layang Jenggolo Sidoarjo. (hpx)

Note : Translation using Google Translate

My photo collection on Opensea

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