When I evaluate the pros and cons of Held, a movie about a couple planning a romantic getaway and their struggle for survival under the influence of tension and paranoia, I can easily say that it is an above-average and highly watchable production.
The movie handles the most common “trapped” theme of thriller genres quite successfully. The element of mystery is also successfully incorporated into the story, making it difficult to know how it will end until the last moment. This provides fluency and keeps the excitement and tempo high during the viewing, allowing you to follow the movie very carefully.
The country house used as a location provides an isolated environment. When the couple's plans take an unplanned turn, you realize that a strange atmosphere is created by both the location and the actors. Thus, you start to feel both fear and tension at the highest level. Thanks to the atmosphere created, you have no trouble adapting to the story and you find yourself involved at some point in the story.
The characters, who are seen as helpless and defenseless victims at the beginning, become stronger as they progress and use their intelligence and creativity to the forefront, which increases the pleasure of watching.
Emma (played by Jill Awbrey) stands out as the weakest character with her more vulnerable, timid and fragile appearance, but her sudden transformation into the strongest character with her new personality adds value to the story.
Emma's husband Henry (played by Barth Johnson), who starts as a classic wife figure, evolves in his personality. The reasons for his change are hidden in the details of the story of the movie and I won't tell you about it in order not to spoil your viewing pleasure. lol
The weakest points of the movie are the attempts to come to terms with the past, which at times cause the characters to break away from the story. However, in most movies, coming to terms with the past is one of the main elements that strengthen the characters and the story of the movie. I think the movie is weak in this aspect.
It would be useful to elaborate on this a bit. For example, while the main story of the movie is rich enough to be watched on its own, I found it quite unnecessary to include the harassment and rape that happened to Emma in her youth and the sudden appearance of the character who caused it.
And the presence of an unknown voice saying “obey, obey” was annoying. You can use it for a while, but the longer it goes on, the more it loses its meaning and instead of creating suspense and horror; it becomes ridiculous and annoying, weakening the effect.
As a result, even though the movie looks like a classic trapped-at-home movie, it manages to keep you watching thanks to the way the story is filled in. Besides the psychological tension, the movie has a story and atmosphere that draws the viewer in. I especially think that the atmosphere created strengthens the story.
Held, which starts slowly but builds tension as it progresses, is definitely worth watching with its surprise and twist ending and I recommend you to watch it. You will enjoy the movie more if you watch it with a mind free from the problems of daily life, but don't expect too much. In the end, it is a simple but very effective movie for its simplicity.
Thank you for being here and for reading. Take care and goodbye!