Marketing Strategies: Digital and Traditional Approaches

in blurt-131902 •  23 days ago 


An important and essential part of a business enterprise is Marketing .

​Why is this so ? , well This is because Marketing is what will attract customers to your business, create awareness about your brand, and help you to generated sales. As the world evolved , technology evolved , so did marketing and marketing strategies did too, it evolved from the traditional mode which included Newspaper , print advertisement , tv commercials , to the digital market we see today which has to with leveraging the internet and latest technology.


Truth be told , when it comes to reduce cost and reaching a vast majority of audience, digital marketing is top notch. In as much as digital marketing has gained a lot of popularity , certain industries demographics still adopt the traditional methods of marketing.


Having a clear knowledge , and understanding pf both the digital and traditional method , their disadvantages and advantages , strength and weakness, the best way and situation to apply them , it can help business to be able to craft a better business strategy.

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