Coping with Peer Pressure and Bullying
Peer pressure and bullying is on of the most problems experienced by kids, What this does to your kids is that it reduces their self esteem and leave a long lasting effects on them.
Cyberbullying has also become more rampant due to increase in the usage of social media among youths.
Build Self-Confidence:
Self-confidence is a trait that you should encourage your kids to build .
A very nice way to do this is to encourage them the step up and build any unique talents that they have as this can give them a great sense of worth.
Monitor Online Activity: Some apps helps you do this, it allows you to monitor the interactions of your kids on social media and then educate them on how they should play safe online. Teach Assertiveness: When it comes to responding to bullying or peer pressure , teach your kids to assertive.
This aspect is one of the phases in the life of a young adult that if care isn't taken could consume the child.
Parents need to be extra careful and attentive to their kids when their children approach this time of their lives.