in blurt-131902 •  8 days ago  (edited)


Food is one of the substances that both humans and animals take to survive, it is essential that every human take it to look healthy and keep away from starving related illnesses. I dont normally have favourite food but once there's chicken in it, am good to go. I will be sharing a regular food though, it's one of my favourite.

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Rice and stew is a common food people get to eat, everyone on planet earth should have had a taste of this particular meal which recently costs pretty much in Nigeria to prepare because it's cost and demand are high now.

When i prepared the delicacy i will be showing you below was during december period precisely on the 25th of December. I find it very fun preparing meals and indeed i loved what i cooked that very day. I will be showing you the recipe and the step by step preparation of this food.


Here are few ingredients i used in preparation of rice & stew chicken;
20241016_070041.jpg Most of the ingredients

20241016_070115.jpg Grounded fresh tomatoes

  • Raw rice.
  • Groundnutoil.
  • Onions.
  • Full Chicken.
  • Fresh & satchet tomatoes with pepper.
  • Seasoning cube and seasoning curry powder.
  • Salt to taste.


• First of it all, i per-boiled the rice, washed it and placed it on fire again to get done. After that i scooped it out to a small food flasks to still retain it's hotness.
20241016_070527.jpg Boiled rice

• Secondly, i slaughtered the fowl, washed it, steam and then cook the chicken well.
20241016_070003.jpg The chicken is been neatly washed

20241016_070317.jpg Steaming of the chicken

20241016_070341.jpg Done with steaming

• Thirdly, i began to prepare the stew by placing a dry pot on fire, added Groundnut oil, onion and tomatoes, almost together. I allowed it to steam up a little then i added the remaining ingredients like the seasoning cube, curry and salt to taste.
20241016_070446.jpg Steaming of stew

• Fourthly, i added the cooked chicken to the stew and turned it together.
20241016_070506.jpg Added the chicken

• Food is ready, i dished out mine and as well for other of my siblings.
20241016_070721.jpg Added chicken to the stew


Here are some reasons why i love this particular food;
• It is generally consumed by lots of people. You can find it anywhere round the earth.
• It is so sumptuous, easy to grind with the teeth and swallow.
• Aside that too much of everything is not good, i would eat rice the whole day or one week stretch with having allergy towards it.
• It is easy prepared, it can take less than 40 minutes, for both the rice and stew.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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