Traumatic Ulcers and its Clinical Features

in blurt-131902 •  2 months ago 


Traumatic injuries involving the oral mucosa and tissues may possibly lead to the formation of surface ulcerations. Traumatic ulcers incidence of happening in the oral cavity cannot be properly ascertained but it actually remains one of the most ulcers observed to be affecting the oral cavity.

Traumatic ulcers could be single or multiple in presentation depending on the nature of the original etiology. Sometimes vascular compromise and lack of supply of nutrients to the surface mucosa can cause damage and makes it to become ulcerated.


Types of Traumatic Ulcers

1- Mechanical Traumatic Ulcers
2- Chemical Traumatic Ulcers
3- Thermal Traumatic Ulcers
4- Radiological Traumatic Ulcers
5- Self-inflicted Traumatic Ulcers
6- Iatrogenic Traumatic Ulcers

Let's dive into these traumatically caused ulcers one after the other.

1- Mechanical Traumatic Ulcers
Mechanical traumatic ulcers are caused by physically sharp objects, spicules from rough dentures, abrasion from bad techniques and so on. Other examples includes; friction from sharp tooth edges, overextended dentures, ill-fitting dentures, orthodontic brackets, putting pointed sharp objects in the mouth among others.

2- Chemical Traumatic Ulcers
These type of ulcers are majorly caused by chemotherapeutic agents used either for systemic diseases or oral diseases within the oral cavity. Some of these medications have manifestations in the ora cavity as part of their side effects or when used in excessive dosages.

Some of the irrigants and medicaments used root canal cleaning and shaping have also being reported of causing traumatic ulcers if it gets in touch with the oral mucosa.

Examples of such agents include; aspirin, sodium hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide and so on.


3- Thermal Traumatic Ulcers
Hot objects and hots foods have also been reported by some researchers to cause ulcers few hours or days after the insult. Extremely hot or cold foods such as hot cheese, cereals, tea, pepper, beverages, popsicle, hot spoons and so on can cause a very painful stimuli and ulcerations if it is ingested through the mouth under extreme hotness and not allowed to cool.

4- Radiological Traumatic Ulcers
Sometimes radiotherapy can cause aftermath ulcers if proper precautions is not followed during the course of therapy or even at times just like a reaction to the use of radiation in treatment. Traumatic ulcers can be spotted in the oral cavity if radiation is used in treating head and neck cancers or mouth cancers and so on.

5- Self-inflicted Traumatic Ulcers
This type of traumatic ulcers is usually noticed among younger children which are prone to playing with sharp objects in their mouth or as a result of lip bitting or even bruxism at night during sleep causing attrition to the teeth and fissures and ulcers to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. The main aspect in Self-inflicted trauma is that, it caused by the patient in question.

However, sometimes Self-inflicted trauma ulcers can be due to psychogenic reasons and poor mental health of adult patient as well. So for better treatment, those suffering from such ulcers would be needed to be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist after symptomatically managing the ulcer.

6- Iatrogenic Traumatic Ulcers
Iatrogenic traumatic ulcers are the lesions that occured through the operation of dental officers when trying to carry out dental procedures during treatments.

Sometimes iatrogenically caused lesions can be due to mishandle or lack of expertise by the operator himself/herself leading to pain and discomfort for the patients while some iatrogenic lesions can be due to unforseen circumstances during the procedure or even emerges out with time after the whole treatment.

In a nutshell, iatrogenic lesions are lesions that occurs from the dentist handling of the dental procedure. Examples of such ulcers include; ulcers caused by high-speed rotary instruments, cotton rolls, sharp scaling instruments, incision blades during surgery, ultrasonic instruments and so on.


That's all as regards this post on traumatic ulcers. In the subsequent posts we would discuss on clinical features of traumatic ulcers and its diagnosis. Thanks for the usual support and follow-up for the blogs

Happy Blogging and Reading


Video from Medinaz YouTuber

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